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151 to 160 of 540 Entries from All Files for "johnson" in All Fields

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151) Commentary Note for line 1051:
1051 And heere giue vp our selues in the full bent,
152) Commentary Note for lines 1070-71:
1070 And I doe thinke, or els this braine of mine
1071 Hunts not the trayle of policie so sure
153) Commentary Note for line 1076:
1076 My newes shall be the {fruite} <Newes> to that great feast.
154) Commentary Note for line 1096:
1096 To giue th'assay of Armes against your Maiestie:
155) Commentary Note for line 1110:
1110 Goe to your rest, at night weele feast together,
156) Commentary Note for lines 1112-13:
1112 Pol. This busines is <very> well ended.
1113 My Liege and Maddam, to expostulate
157) Commentary Note for line 1132:
1132 Thus it remaines, and the remainder thus
1132 Perpend,
158) Commentary Note for lines 1137-39:
1137 To the Celestiall and my soules Idoll, the most beau-
1137-9 tified O|phelia,| that's an ill phrase, a {vile} <vilde> phrase,
159) Commentary Note for line 1154:
1154 And more {about} <aboue> hath his solicitings
160) Commentary Note for line 1174:
1174 Which done, she tooke the fruites of my aduise:

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