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1 to 10 of 540 Entries from All Files for "johnson" in All Fields

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1) Commentary Note for line 78:
78 So frownd he once, when in an angry parle
e to Ophel
2) Commentary Note for line 177:
177 <Hamlet> {Counsaile: as} Polonius, {and his Sonne} Laertes, <and his Sister O->
tes, ophel
3) Commentary Note for line 179:
179 {Claud.} <King> Though yet of Hamlet our deare brothers death
and Ophel
4) Commentary Note for line 190:
190 With mirth in funerall, and with dirdge in marriage,
and Ophel
5) Commentary Note for line 250:
250 Doe not for euer with thy vailed lids
h of Ophel
6) Commentary Note for line 460:
460 <Scena Tertia.>
for Ophel ster Ophel and Ophel
7) Commentary Note for line 461:
461 Enter Laertes, and {Opheliahis Sister} <Ophelia>.
b><i>Ophel o <i>Ophel
8) Commentary Note for line 462:
462 Laer. My necessaries are {inbarckt} <imbark't>, farwell,
edy; Ophel
9) Commentary Note for line 465:
465 But let me heere from you.
and Ophel
10) Commentary Note for line 467:
467 Laer. For Hamlet, and the trifling of his {fauour} <fauours>,
and Ophel ould Ophel e to Ophel and Ophel
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