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180 to 189 of 227 Entries from All Files for "john " in All Fields

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180) Commentary Note for line 3203:
3203 Other. Nay, but heare you good man deluer.

    ... de.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn> <sigla>1818<tab> </tab>Todd</sigla><hanging>Todd = John +</hanging><para>3203<tab> </tab><b>deluer</b>] <sc>Todd </sc>(1818, delver ...
181) Commentary Note for line 3211:
3211 Clowne.I marry i'st, Crowners quest law.

    ... eare certainly aims at the legal subtleties used upon occasion of inquests. Sir John <sc>Hawkins</sc> points out the case of Dame Hales, in <sc>Plowden</sc>'s C ...

    ... b><b>Crowners quest law</b>] <sc>Knight</sc> (ed. 1841) :<sc> &#x201C;</sc>Sir John <sc>Hawkins</sc> originally pointed out that this ludicrous description of ...

    ... ><b>Crowners quest law</b>] <sc>Verplanck</sc> (ed. 1844): <sc>&#x201C;</sc>Sir John <sc>Hawkins</sc> originally pointed out that this ludicrous description of ...

    ... orfeiture of a lease, in consequence of the suicide of Sir James Hales; and Sir John <sc>Hawkins</sc> has pointed out, that this rich burlesque of &#8216;crowne ...

    ... tab> </tab><b>Crowners quest law</b>] <sc>Staunton</sc> (ed. 1859) :&#x201C;Sir John <sc>Hawkins</sc>suggested that Shakespeare here designed a ridicule on the ...

    ... orfeiture of a lease, in consequence of the suicide of Sir James Hales; and Sir John <sc>Hawkins</sc> has pointed out, that this rich burlesque of &#8216;crowne ...

    ... </i>, 1.5.142 (429)], and see <small>note (xref note here needed).</small> Sir John <sc>Hawkins</sc> supposes the passage in the text to be written in ridicule ...

    ... above quotation] </para> <para>&#x201C;These parallels were first noted by Sir John Hawkins, the friend of Dr. Johnson (v. Furness). The same arguments are lik ...
182) Commentary Note for lines 3217-18:
3217-8 more then theyr euen {Christen:}<Christi|an.> Come my spade, there is no aunci-

    ... leading Saxon scholars of his day including Francis Junius, Archbishop Ussher, John Selden and Sir Simonds D'Ewes.&#x201D; This is the first printed dictionary ...

    ... nd in almost every European language. It was the text on which the rebel priest John Balle preached his sermon during the insurrection of Wat Tyler. Although th ...

    ... s that is seid Didymus, seide to euen disciplis.&#8212;<i>Wickliffite N.T.</i>, John xi, 16; and adds: &#8216;The word is also spelt <i>emecristen</i> or <i>emc ...
183) Commentary Note for line 3221:
3221 Other. Was he a gentleman? 3221

    ... nd in almost every European language. It was the text on which the rebel priest John Balle preached his sermon during the insurrection of Wat Tyler. Although th ...

    ... aue no more Gentilitie in him than Adam had (that was but a gardner).' See also John Heywood, <i>The Spider and the Flie</i> (1556), xliv, 27; <i>Songs and Caro ...
184) Commentary Note for line 3241:
3241 Clowne. I, tell me that and vnyoke.

    ... vnyoke</b>]</para></cn> <cn> <sigla>1818<tab> </tab>Todd</sigla><hanging>Todd = John +</hanging><para>3241<tab> </tab><b>vnyoke</b>] <sc>Todd </sc>(1818, unyoke ...
185) Commentary Note for lines 3246-49:
3246-7 Clow. Cudgell thy braines no more about it, for your | dull asse wil
3247-8 not mend his pace with beating, and when | you are askt this question
3248-9 next, say a graue-maker, the | houses <that> hee makes lasts till Doomesday.

    ... /b>] <sc>Malone</sc> (ed. 1790) : &#x201C;So, in The Mayde Metamorphosis , by John Lily, 1600: &#8216;In vain, I fear, I beate my brains about, Proving b ...
186) Commentary Note for lines 3270-71:
3270-1 {ore-reaches;} <o're Of-| fices:>one that {would} <could> circumuent God, might it not?

    ... ch humour.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn> <sigla>1755<tab> </tab>John</sigla><hanging>John : standard</hanging><para>3270<tab> </tab><b>ore-reaches</b>] <sc>Johnson < ...
187) Commentary Note for lines 3281-83:
3281-3 but | to play at loggits with {them} <’em?>: mine ake to thinke | on't. 3281

    ... oggits</b>]</para></cn> <cn> <sigla>1818<tab> </tab>Todd</sigla><hanging>Todd = John +</hanging><para>3282<tab> </tab><b>loggits</b>] <sc>Todd </sc>(1818, logga ...
188) Commentary Note for lines 3289-90:
3289-90 Ham. There's another, why {may} <might> not that be the | skull of <of> a Lawyer,

    ... with that to be found in the drama of many of his contemporaries, such as . . . John Marston . . . . . &#x201D; </para></cn> <tlnrange> 3289 3290 </tlnrange></ ...
189) Commentary Note for lines 3290-91:
3290-1 where be his {quiddities} <Quiddits> now, his | {quillites,} <Quillets?> his cases, his tenurs, and his

    ... ve answer.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn> <sigla>1755<tab> </tab>John</sigla><hanging>John : standard</hanging><para>3290<tab> </tab><b>quiddities</b>] <sc>Johnson </ ...

    ... laws.' <i> Drayton's Owl </i>, p. 1302.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn> <sigla>Nares : John (<i>Hudibras </i>//)</sigla><para>3290 <b>quiddities</b>] <sc>Nares </sc>(1 ...

    ... > </tab><sc>macd</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>macd</sc> &#8776; standard (cites <sc>John &amp; Steevens</sc>) ; cites Q1 reading</hanging><para>3290<tab> </tab><b>q ...

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