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41 to 50 of 227 Entries from All Files for "john " in All Fields

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41) Commentary Note for line 523:
523 And these fewe precepts in thy memory
    ... d in John  ...
42) Commentary Note for line 530:
530 Of each {new hatcht} <vnhatch't,> vnfledgd {courage,} <Comrade.> beware
    ... s in John  ...
    ...  and John  ...
43) Commentary Note for line 546:
546 Farwell, my blessing season this in thee.
    ...  <sc>john  ...
    ...  <sc>john  ...
44) Commentary Note for line 548:
548 Pol. The time {inuests} <inuites> you goe, your seruants tend.
    ... ><sc>john  ...
45) Commentary Note for line 552:
552 And you your selfe shall keepe the key of it.
    ... n to JOHN  ...
46) Commentary Note for line 574:
574 Or {(}not to crack the winde of the poore phrase<,>
    ... arb, john  ...
47) Commentary Note for line 575:
575 {Wrong} <Roaming> it thus{)}<,> you'l tender me a foole.
    ... otes John  ...
48) Commentary Note for line 577:
577 In honorable fashion.
    ...  <sc>john  ...
49) Commentary Note for line 592:
592 Then may be giuen you: in fewe Ophelia,
    ... ><sc>john  ...
    ...  <sc>john  ...
50) Commentary Note for line 593:
593 Doe not belieue his vowes, for they are brokers
    ...  <sc>john  ...

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