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171 to 180 of 227 Entries from All Files for "john " in All Fields

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171) Commentary Note for line 3112_5:
3112+5 {Dies in his owne too much, that we would doe}
    ... /i>. John  ...
    ... /i>. John  ...
172) Commentary Note for line 3122:
3122 And set a double varnish on the fame
    ... dd = John  ...
173) Commentary Note for line 3132:
3132 I bought an vnction of a Mountibanck
    ... dd = John  ...
174) Commentary Note for line 3152:
3152 If he by chaunce escape your venom'd stuck,
    ... ging>John  ...
    ... dd = John  ...
175) Commentary Note for line 3159:
3159 That showes his {horry} <hore> leaues in the glassy streame,
    ... dd = John  ...
176) Commentary Note for line 3165:
3165 Clambring to hang, an enuious sliuer broke, {M1v}
    ... dd = John  ...
177) Commentary Note for line 3171:
3171 Or like a creature natiue and indewed
    ... dd = John  ...
178) Commentary Note for line 3192_319:
3192-3 Other. I tell thee she is, <and> therfore make her graue | straight, the crow-
3193-4 ner hath sate on her, and finds it Chris|tian buriall.
    ... dd = John  ...
179) Commentary Note for lines 3200-02:
3200-01 three branches, it is {to} <an>| act, to doe, <and> to performe, {or all;} <argall> she drownd her
3201-2 selfe | wittingly.
    ... cian John  ...
    ... cian John  ...
180) Commentary Note for line 3203:
3203 Other. Nay, but heare you good man deluer.
    ... dd = John  ...

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