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31 to 40 of 227 Entries from All Files for "john " in All Fields

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31) Commentary Note for line 350:
350-1 Ham. Sir my good friend, | Ile change that name with you,
32) Commentary Note for line 368:
368 Ham. Thrift, thrift, Horatio, the funerall bak't meates
33) Commentary Note for line 374:
374 Ham. In my mindes eye Horatio.
34) Commentary Note for line 389:
389 In the dead wast and middle of the night
35) Commentary Note for line 395:
395 Within his tronchions length, whil'st they {distil'd} <bestil'd>
36) Commentary Note for line 439:
439 Ham. His beard was {grissl'd,} <grisly?> no.
37) Commentary Note for line 468:
468 Hold it a fashion, and a toy in blood
38) Commentary Note for line 475:
475 In thewes and {bulkes,} <Bulke:> but as {this} <his> temple waxes
39) Commentary Note for line 478:
478 And now no soyle nor cautell doth besmirch
40) Commentary Note for line 483:
483 Carue for himselfe, for on his choise depends

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