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21 to 30 of 227 Entries from All Files for "john " in All Fields

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21) Commentary Note for line 274:
274 To doe obsequious sorrowe, but to perseuer
22) Commentary Note for line 275:
275 In obstinate condolement, is a course
23) Commentary Note for line 292:
292 And with no lesse nobilitie of loue
24) Commentary Note for line 294:
294 Doe I impart {toward you for} <towards you. For> your intent
25) Commentary Note for line 313:
313 Ham. O that this too too {sallied} <solid> flesh would melt, {but Hamlet}
26) Commentary Note for line 316:
316 His cannon gainst {seale} <Selfe->slaughter, ô God, <O> God,
27) Commentary Note for line 319:
319 Fie on't, {ah fie,} <Oh fie, fie,> tis an vnweeded garden
28) Commentary Note for line 325:
325 That he might not {beteeme} <beteene> the winds of heauen
29) Commentary Note for line 334:
334 O {God,} <Heauen!> a beast that wants discourse of reason
30) Commentary Note for line 341:
341 With such dexteritie to incestious sheets,

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