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181 to 190 of 227 Entries from All Files for "john " in All Fields

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181) Commentary Note for line 3211:
3211 Clowne.I marry i'st, Crowners quest law.
182) Commentary Note for lines 3217-18:
3217-8 more then theyr euen {Christen:}<Christi|an.> Come my spade, there is no aunci-
183) Commentary Note for line 3221:
3221 Other. Was he a gentleman? 3221
184) Commentary Note for line 3241:
3241 Clowne. I, tell me that and vnyoke.
185) Commentary Note for lines 3246-49:
3246-7 Clow. Cudgell thy braines no more about it, for your | dull asse wil
3247-8 not mend his pace with beating, and when | you are askt this question
3248-9 next, say a graue-maker, the | houses <that> hee makes lasts till Doomesday.
186) Commentary Note for lines 3270-71:
3270-1 {ore-reaches;} <o're Of-| fices:>one that {would} <could> circumuent God, might it not?
187) Commentary Note for lines 3281-83:
3281-3 but | to play at loggits with {them} <’em?>: mine ake to thinke | on't. 3281
188) Commentary Note for lines 3289-90:
3289-90 Ham. There's another, why {may} <might> not that be the | skull of <of> a Lawyer,
189) Commentary Note for lines 3290-91:
3290-1 where be his {quiddities} <Quiddits> now, his | {quillites,} <Quillets?> his cases, his tenurs, and his
190) Commentary Note for lines 3292-95:
3292-4 bout | the sconce with a durtie shouell, and will not tell him of | his acti-
3294-5 on of battery, hum, this fellowe might be in's | time a great buyer of

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