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121 to 130 of 227 Entries from All Files for "john " in All Fields

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121) Commentary Note for line 2350:
2350 Ham. Now might I doe it {, but} <pat,> now {a} <he> is {a} praying,
122) Commentary Note for line 2363:
2363 Vp sword, and knowe thou a more horrid hent,
123) Commentary Note for line 2368:
2368 Then trip him that his heels may kick at heauen, {I2}
124) Commentary Note for line 2372:
2372 King. My words fly vp, my thoughts remaine belowe
125) Commentary Note for line 2379:
2379 Much heate and him, Ile silence me {euen} <e'ene> heere,
126) Commentary Note for line 2404:
2404 Ham. How now, a Rat, dead for a Duckat, dead.
127) Commentary Note for lines 2435-36:
2435 Quee. Ay me, what act? 2435
2435-6 {Ham.} That roares so low'd, and {thunders} <thun-| ders> in the Index,
128) Commentary Note for line 2437:
2437 <Ham.> Looke heere vpon this Picture, and on this,
129) Commentary Note for line 2483:
2483 Ham. A King of shreds and patches,
130) Commentary Note for line 2488:
2488 That lap'st in time and passion lets goe by

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