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111 to 120 of 227 Entries from All Files for "john " in All Fields

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111) Commentary Note for lines 2146-50:
2146-7 {Thus} <So> runnes the world away. | Would not this sir & a forrest of fea-
2147-8 thers, if the rest of | my fortunes turne Turk with me, with <two> prouinciall
2149-50 Roses on my {raz'd} <rac'd> shooes, get me a fellowship in a cry | of players? <sir.>
112) Commentary Note for line 2151:
2151 Hora. Halfe a share. 2151
113) Commentary Note for line 2156:
2156 A very very paiock. 2156
114) Commentary Note for line 2166:
2166 Why then belike he likes it not perdy.
115) Commentary Note for line 2167+1:
2167+1 {Enter Rosencraus and Guyldensterne.}
116) Commentary Note for line 2212+1:
2212+1 {Enter the Players with Recorders.}
117) Commentary Note for lines 2213-18:
2213-4 Ham. I {sir}, but while the grasse growes, the prouerbe is | something
2214-16 musty, | <Enter one with a Recorder.> | ô the {Recorders,} <Recorder.> let mee see {one}, to withdraw with you, why
2217-8 doe you goe about to recouer the wind of mee, as if you | would driue
2218 me into a toyle?
118) Commentary Note for lines 2255-56:
2255-6 They foole me to the top of my bent, | I will come by & by, 2255
119) Commentary Note for line 2262:
2262 And doe such <bitter> busines as the {bitter} day
120) Commentary Note for line 2306:
2306 Tis meete that some more audience then a mother,

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