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581 to 590 of 4573 Entries from All Files for "john" in All Fields

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581) Commentary Note for lines 3448-49:
3448 Of blew Olympus.
3449 Ham. What is he whose {griefe} <griefes>
    ... oem is one of the references tainted by John Collier's name. His many forgeries  ...
582) Commentary Note for line 3450:
3450 Beares such an emphesis, whose phrase of sorrow
    ... la>1755<tab> </tab>John</sigla><hanging>John</hanging><para>3450<tab> </tab><b>e ...
    ... /tab>Todd</sigla> <hanging>Todd &#8776; John + <small>in magenta underlined</sma ...
583) Commentary Note for line 3457:
3457 {For} <Sir> though I am not spleenatiue <and> rash,
584) Commentary Note for lines 3463-64:
3463 Ham. Why, I will fight with him vpon this theame
3464 Vntill my eye-lids will no longer wagge.
    ... la>1755<tab> </tab>John</sigla><hanging>John</hanging><para>3463<tab> </tab><b>t ...
585) Commentary Note for lines 3472-73:
3472 Woo't weepe, woo't fight, {woo't fast,} woo't teare thy selfe,
3473 Woo't drinke vp Esill, eate a Crocadile?
    ... </i>.&#x201D;</para> <para>[HA: Florio, John. <i>Queen Anna's New World of Words ...
    ... &lt;/p. 30&gt;</para><hanging>[HA:Stow, John. <i>A Survey of the Cities of Londo ...
    ... la>1755<tab> </tab>John</sigla><hanging>John : standard</hanging><para>3473<tab> ...
    ... ></cn>  <cn> <sigla>1765<tab> </tab><sc>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john</sc> ...
    ... /tab><sc>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john</sc>1: <sc>theo</sc>2's note + <sma ...
    ... /sc> : <i>contra </i><sc>han1 ; theo1 ; john1 ; warb</sc></hanging><para>3473<ta ...
    ... as More. <small>[HA: &#8721;, actually, JOHN1 cites THEO1]</small></para> <para> ...
    ... XI; vgl. The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundeville ed. Halliwell p. 9: the ...
    ...  compare The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundeville ed. Halliwell p. 9: the ...
    ...  <i>N &amp; Qu </i>(Aug. 10, 1872), <sc>John De Soyres </sc>says that he remembe ...
    ... In <i>N &amp;Qu</i>. (Oct. 5, 1872) <sc>John Kershaw</sc> calls attention to a p ...
    ... .</para> <para>Matt. 27:46, Mark 15:36; John 19:28-30</para> <para>Interpretatio ...
    ... r of mockery.&#x201D; ((A. Plummer, St. John.))</para></entry> </row> </tbody> < ...
    ... to Sir Thomas More ( <i>Twelue Rules of John Picus </i>, l. 35) and Skelton (<i> ...
    ... s readings from the Gospels of Mark and John in which the word [either <i>eisile ...
    ... . 36 Fylde ane spunge mid eisile. Ibid. John xix. 29 &#8249;a stod an fet full a ...
586) Commentary Note for line 3485_348:
3485 When that her golden {cuplets} <Cuplet> are {disclosed} <disclos'd> 3485
3486 His silence will sit drooping.
    ... a></cn> <cn> <sigla>1765<tab> </tab><sc>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1 = w ...
    ... /tab><sc>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1 = warb </sc>+</hanging><para>3485< ...
    ... </tab>v1773</sigla><hanging>v1773 = <sc>john1</sc></hanging><para>3485<tab> </ta ...
    ... </i> (April 1814, vol xi, 178). London: John Murray, 1814.  BL shelfmark PP. 598 ...
    ... riginated it</i>  [v1785 (<i>minus </i> JOHN1) ; HEATH (<i>minus </i> &#x201C;as ...
    ... e's Academy of Armoury</i> ; <sc>warb ; john1 </sc>; v1778 (<sc>Steevens</sc> <i ...
    ... usts to the male&#x201D;] ; &#8776; <sc>john1</sc></hanging><para>3485<b><sc><ta ...
    ... ar</sigla><hanging>Kinnear : <sc>warb ; john1</sc></hanging><para>3485<tab> </ta ...
    ... 216;<i>When</i>.' See Note (10) <i>King John</i>.&#x201D; &lt;/p. 409&gt;</para> ...
587) Commentary Note for line 3490_349:
3490 Let Hercules himselfe doe what he may
3491 The Cat will mew, and Dogge will haue his day. Exit {Hamlet}
588) Commentary Note for line 3505:
3505 Worse then the mutines in the {bilbo} <Bilboes>, rashly, 3505
    ...   </cn> <cn> <sigla><sc>1765<tab> </tab>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1</sc ...
    ... b> </tab>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1</sc></hanging><para>3505  <b>mutin ...
    ... </tab>v1773</sigla><hanging>v1773 = <sc>john1</sc></hanging><para>3505  <b>mutin ...
    ... anging><sc>ays1</sc> &#8776; v1773 (<sc>john1</sc>) w/o attribution</hanging><pa ...
    ... ph.</para></cn> <cn> <hanging><sc>mal : john1; </sc>v1785 +</hanging><para>3505< ...
    ... </tab>Todd</sigla><hanging>Todd &#8776; John +</hanging><para>3505<tab> </tab><b ...
589) Commentary Note for line 3507_350:
3507 Our indiscretion {sometime} <sometimes> serues vs well
3508 When our {deepe} <deare> plots doe {fall} <paule>, & that should {learne} <teach> vs
    ...   </cn> <cn> <sigla><sc>1765<tab> </tab>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1 = w ...
    ... b> </tab>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1 = warb +</sc></hanging><para>3505< ...
    ... </tab>v1773</sigla><hanging>v1773 = <sc>john1</sc></hanging><para>3505<tab> </ta ...
    ... anging><sc>ays1</sc> &#8776; v1778 (<sc>john1</sc> <i>only</i>)</hanging><para>3 ...
    ... c>elze1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>elze1: john1 </sc>; Tyrwhitt ; m<sc>col</sc>1</ ...
    ... </tab>v1877</sigla><hanging><sc>v1877 = john1 </sc>; &#8776; Tyrwhitt ; <sc>stau ...
    ...  [<i>Wiv</i> 1.1.262 (149)]; and <i>Sir John Oldcast;e</i>: &#8216;London, you s ...
    ...  (201); <i>TNK</i> 3.6.236 (2055)]; Sir John Oldcastle, iv.1; but the instances  ...
    ... sc>ard2</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>Ard2 : john1</sc>(<i>only</i> &#x201C;that is,  ...
590) Commentary Note for line 3509_351:
3509 Ther's a diuinity that shapes our ends,
3510 Rough hew them how we will. 3510
    ... la>1755<tab> </tab>John</sigla><hanging>John</hanging><para>3510<tab> </tab><b>R ...
    ... <tab> </tab>Todd</sigla><hanging>Todd = John +</hanging><para>3510<tab> </tab><b ...
    ... C;And in <i>The Scourge of Folly</i> by John Davies, called of Hereford, &#8216; ...

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