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451 to 460 of 4573 Entries from All Files for "john" in All Fields

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451) Commentary Note for lines 2746-47:
2746 {Gent.} <Hor.> Shee is importunat,
2746-7 Indeede distract, her moode | will needes be pittied.
    ... <sc>tsch</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>tsch: john (</sc>Smalridge analogue)</hanging> ...
452) Commentary Note for line 2754:
2754 The hearers to collection, they {yawne} <ayme> at it,
453) Commentary Note for line 2758:
2758 Though nothing sure, yet much vnhappily.
    ... ></cn>  <cn> <sigla>1765<tab> </tab><sc>john1/john2</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>joh ...
    ... sc>john1/john2</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1, john2 = warb</sc></hanging></cn>  ...
    ... 1/john2</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1, john2 = warb</sc></hanging></cn> <cn> <s ...
454) Commentary Note for lines 2759-61:
2759-60 {Hora.} <Qu.> Twere good she were spoken with, | for shee may strew
2760-1 Dangerous coniectures | in ill breeding mindes,
2761 Let her come in.
455) Commentary Note for line 2766:
2766 {Enter Ophelia.}
    ... </sc></sigla><hanging><sc>sing1 &#8776; john2 </sc>Appendix (Reynolds )</hanging ...
    ... para><fnc> Reynolds note appears in <sc>john2</sc> (ed. 1765, Appendix). See 276 ...
456) Commentary Note for line 2767:
2767 Oph. Where is the beautious Maiestie of Denmarke?
    ... /sc>: Reynolds (on scene's pathos), <sc>john1</sc>, Hazlitt, Jameson</hanging><p ...
457) Commentary Note for line 2770:
2770 By his cockle hat and staffe, and his Sendall shoone. 2770
    ... ></cn>  <cn> <sigla>1765<tab> </tab><sc>john1/john2</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>joh ...
    ... sc>john1/john2</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1 = warb</sc></hanging></cn> <cn> <s ...
    ... ><sc>jen</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>jen = john1</sc></hanging></cn> <cn> <sigla>17 ...
    ... </tab>v1773</sigla><hanging>v1773 = <sc>john1, john2</sc></hanging> <para><fnc>  ...
    ... 1773</sigla><hanging>v1773 = <sc>john1, john2</sc></hanging> <para><fnc> Steeven ...
    ... vens includes all annotations from both JOHN editions. </fnc></para></cn> <cn> < ...
    ... n</sigla><hanging>anon ann (p. 9) = <sc>john</sc></hanging></cn> <cn> <sigla>181 ...
458) Commentary Note for line 2780:
2780 Oph. Larded {all} with sweet flowers, 2780
    ... para><fnc> This new gloss is not in <sc>john1, john2 or john2 </sc>Appendix. </f ...
    ... nc> This new gloss is not in <sc>john1, john2 or john2 </sc>Appendix. </fnc></pa ...
    ... new gloss is not in <sc>john1, john2 or john2 </sc>Appendix. </fnc></para></cn>  ...
459) Commentary Note for lines 2784-86:
2784-5 Oph. Well good dild you, they say the Owle was | a Bakers daugh-
2785-6 ter, Lord we know what we are, but | know not what we may be. 2785
2786 God be at your table.
    ... t!</i>'</para> <para>&#x201C;So, Sir <i>John Grey</i> in a Letter, in <i>Ashmole ...
    ... ald</sc> has it in his quotation of Sir John Grey. </fnc></para> <hanging>m<sc>t ...
    ... a></cn> <cn> <sigla>1765<tab> </tab><sc>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1 = w ...
    ... /tab><sc>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1 = warb</sc></hanging></cn> <cn> <s ...
    ... </tab>v1773</sigla><hanging>v1773 = <sc>john1</sc></hanging></cn> <cn> <sigla>17 ...
    ... <hanging>v1778: <i>contra</i> <sc>warb; john</sc>; &#8776; Grey <i>minus</i> Jon ...
    ... /i> for't!'</para> <para>&#x201C;So Sir John Grey, in a letter in Ashmole's Appe ...
    ...  women of ill repute: the Marian martyr John Bradford said of Philip of Spain th ...
    ... ): &#x201C;An ironic echo of <sc>i</sc> John iii.2, &#8216;Now are we the sons o ...
    ... .&#x201D;</para><hanging><sc>chal: </sc>John analogue</hanging><para>2785-6<tab> ...
    ... <sc>Wilkes</sc> (ed. 1984): &#x201C;cf. John 3:2 &#8216;Now are we the sons of G ...
460) Commentary Note for line 2790:
2790 To morrow is S. Valentines day, {Song.}
2790 All in the morning betime,
    ... er French <i>Valentine</i>, composed by John Gower, is quoted by Mr. Warton in h ...

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