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441 to 450 of 4573 Entries from All Files for "john" in All Fields

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441) Commentary Note for line 2743+18:
2743+18 {Ham. Two thousand soules, & twenty thousand duckets}
442) Commentary Note for line 2743+20:
2743+20 {This is th'Imposthume of much wealth and peace,}
    ... state in great danger of recovery' (Sir John Cheke, quoted in Ben Jonson's <i>En ...
    ... h's <i>Allarme </i> [n.d. given]); also John Norden, arguing for war at a time o ...
443) Commentary Note for line 2743+26:
2743+26 {How all occasions doe informe against me,}
444) Commentary Note for line 2743+28:
2743+28 {If his chiefe good and market of his time}
    ... <sc>cln1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>cln1: john1 </sc>+ magenta underlined</hanging ...
    ... v1877</sigla><hanging>v1877 &#8776; <sc>john1</sc>, Seymour, <sc>cln1</sc></hang ...
    ... sc>rlf1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>rlf1 = john </sc><i>minus</i> paraphrase for ba ...
    ... <sc>crg1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>crg1: john</sc></hanging> <para>2743+28<tab> < ...
445) Commentary Note for line 2743+30:
2743+30 {Sure he that made vs with such large discourse} 2743+30
    ... a></cn> <cn> <sigla>1765<tab> </tab><sc>john1/john2</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>joh ...
    ... sc>john1/john2</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1</sc></hanging> <para>2743+30<tab>  ...
    ... </tab>v1773</sigla><hanging>v1773 = <sc>john1</sc> </hanging></cn> <cn> <sigla>1 ...
    ... sc>ays1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>ays1 = john1</sc></hanging></cn> <cn> <sigla>17 ...
    ... >cald1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>cald1 = john1 </sc>+</hanging> <para>2743+30<tab ...
    ...  </tab>SING1</sigla><hanging><sc>sing1: john1, W</sc>ilkins </hanging> <para>274 ...
    ... ging>v1877 = <sc>cln1</sc> (xref.), <sc>john1</sc></hanging> <para>2743+30<tab>  ...
    ... 1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>rlf1 &#8776; john, theo</sc></hanging> <para>2743+30< ...
    ... g><sc>rlf3 = rlf1 </sc><i>minus</i> <sc>john</sc> attrib.,<sc> theo</sc> for <b> ...
446) Commentary Note for line 2743+34:
2743+34 {Bestiall obliuion, or some crauen scruple}
447) Commentary Note for line 2743+47:
2743+47 {Euen for an Egge-shell. Rightly to be great,}
    ... > </cn> <cn> <sigla>1765<tab> </tab><sc>john1/john2</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>joh ...
    ... sc>john1/john2</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1: theo</sc></hanging> <para>2743+47 ...
    ... </tab>v1773</sigla><hanging>v1773 = <sc>john1</sc></hanging></cn> <cn> <sigla>17 ...
    ... ld1 </sc>&#8776; v1813 <i>minus</i> <sc>john </sc>&#x201C;This passage . . .it t ...
    ... </tab>v1877</sigla><hanging>v1877 = <sc>john1 </sc>for &#x201C;Rightly . . . sta ...
    ... ><sc>ard2: cap, </sc>Bradley<sc>, pope, john, mal, kit, </sc>v1877<sc>, ard1, ve ...
    ... elley</sigla><hanging>Kelley: <sc>pope, john, cap, mal, kitt, cam3</sc>, <i>OED< ...
448) Commentary Note for line 2743+49:
2743+49 {But greatly to find quarrell in a straw}
    ... sc>rann</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>rann = john1 </sc>without attribution +</hangin ...
    ... sc>fieb</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>fieb = john </sc>for <b>greatly</b> . . . <b>st ...
449) Commentary Note for line 2743+52:
2743+52 {Excytements of my reason, and my blood,}
    ... ></para> <cn><sigla>1765<tab> </tab><sc>john1/john2</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>joh ...
    ... sc>john1/john2</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1</sc></hanging> <para>2743+52<tab>  ...
    ... sc>fieb</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>fieb = john </sc>for <b>reason</b> . . . <b>blo ...
450) Commentary Note for line 2743+58:
2743+58 {Which is not tombe enough and continent}
    ... c>cald2 = cald1</sc>; <i>contra</i> <sc>john1</sc></hanging> <para>2743+58<tab>  ...

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