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291 to 300 of 4573 Entries from All Files for "john" in All Fields

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291) Commentary Note for lines 1877-78:
1877-8 {praysd} <praise>, and that | highly, not to speake it prophanely, that neither ha-
    ... ehline>  <cn><sigla><sc>1765<tab> </tab>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1</sc ...
    ... b> </tab>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1</sc></hanging> <para><sc>Johnson</ ...
    ... </tab>v1773</sigla><hanging><sc>v1773 = john1</sc></hanging> <para><tab> </tab>  ...
292) Commentary Note for line 1912:
1912 And crooke the pregnant hindges of the knee
    ... ehline>  <cn><sigla><sc>1765<tab> </tab>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1</sc ...
    ... b> </tab>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1</sc></hanging> <para>1912 <b>pregn ...
    ... </tab>v1773</sigla><hanging><sc>v1773 = john1</sc></hanging></cn> <cn><sigla><sc ...
    ... /tab>ays</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>ays = john1 (</sc><i>without attribution</i><s ...
293) Commentary Note for line 1914:
1914 Since my deare soule was mistris of {her} <my> choice,
    ... /ehline> <cn><sigla><sc>1765<tab> </tab>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1</sc ...
    ... b> </tab>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1</sc></hanging> <para><sc>1914 </sc ...
    ... </tab>v1773</sigla><hanging><sc>v1773 = john1</sc></hanging></cn> <cn><sigla>177 ...
294) Commentary Note for line 1915:
1915 And could of men distinguish <,> her election{,}
    ... language of the New Testament.  Compare John vi. 27."</para></cn> <cn><sigla><sc ...
295) Commentary Note for line 1920:
1920 Whose blood and iudgement are so well {comedled} <co-mingled>,
    ... /ehline> <cn><sigla><sc>1765<tab> </tab>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1</sc ...
    ... b> </tab>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1</sc></hanging> <para><sc>1920 John ...
    ... </tab>v1773</sigla><hanging><sc>v1773 = john1</sc></hanging></cn> <cn><sigla><sc ...
296) Commentary Note for line 1924:
1924 In my harts core, I in my hart of hart
    ... ra></cn> <cn><sigla><sc>1765<tab> </tab>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1</sc ...
    ... b> </tab>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1</sc></hanging> <para>1924 Johnson  ...
297) Commentary Note for line 1935:
1935 As Vulcans {stithy;} <Stythe.> giue him {heedfull}<needfull> note,
    ... a></cn>  <cn><sigla><sc>1765<tab> </tab>john1</sc></sigla> <hanging><sc>john1</s ...
    ... > </tab>john1</sc></sigla> <hanging><sc>john1</sc>: standard</hanging> <para><sc ...
    ... /tab>v1773</sigla> <hanging><sc>v1773 = john1 +</sc></hanging><para>1935 <b>stit ...
298) Commentary Note for line 1949:
1949 Ham. Excellent yfaith,
    ... Endimion, III, 4 (The Dramatic Works of John Lilly, ed. Fairholt, I, 45): <i>Lov ...
299) Commentary Note for line 1953:
1953 Ham. No, nor mine now my Lord.
    ... cn></cn> <cn><sigla><sc>1765<tab> </tab>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1</sc ...
    ... b> </tab>john1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>john1</sc></hanging> <para><sc>1953 John ...
    ... </tab>v1773</sigla><hanging><sc>v1773 = john1</sc></hanging></cn> <cn><sigla>c.1 ...
300) Commentary Note for lines 1953-54:
1953-4 You playd once | i'th Vniuersitie you say,
    ... s at Cambridge were the students of St. John's and King's colleges: at Oxford, t ...
    ... lleggi olim socius</i>, was, I believe, John Rightwise, who was elected a fellow ...

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