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341 to 350 of 4573 Entries from All Files for "john" in All Fields

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341) Commentary Note for lines 2255-56:
2255-6 They foole me to the top of my bent, | I will come by & by, 2255
    ... </tab><sc>john1</sc> ...
    ... nging><sc>john1</sc> ...
    ... <para><sc>john1: </s ...
    ... v1773=<sc>john1</sc> ...
    ... : &#8776; john1 </sc ...
    ... 8776; <sc>john1</sc> ...
    ... 1 &#8776; john + </s ...
    ... b &#8776; john</sc>< ...
    ... v1877=<sc>john</sc>; ...
    ... <sc>cam3: john</sc>< ...
342) Commentary Note for line 2262:
2262 And doe such <bitter> busines as the {bitter} day
    ... </tab><sc>john1</sc> ...
    ... nging><sc>john1, joh ...
    ... sc>john1, john2=warb ...
    ... rhaps <sc>john</sc>  ...
    ... 8776; <sc>john1 </sc ...
    ... mber that John Kembl ...
    ... 8216;that John Kembl ...
343) Commentary Note for line 2267:
2267 I will speake {dagger} <Daggers> to her, but vse none,
344) Commentary Note for line 2269:
2269 How in my words someuer she be shent,
345) Commentary Note for line 2270:
2270 To giue them seales neuer my soule consent. {Exit.}
    ... </tab><sc>john1</sc> ...
    ... nging><sc>john1, joh ...
    ... sc>john1, john2=warb ...
    ... ><sc>jen =john1</sc> ...
    ... v1773=<sc>john1</sc> ...
346) Commentary Note for line 2278:
2278 Out of his {browes} <Lunacies>.
    ... </tab><sc>john1</sc> ...
    ... nging><sc>john1, joh ...
    ... sc>john1, john2 = th ...
    ... 773 = <sc>john1;  &# ...
    ... ry in <sc>john1</sc> ...
    ... ason: <sc>john1; </s ...
    ... /sc>, <sc>john</sc>, ...
347) Commentary Note for lines 2283-84:
2283-4 Ros. The single | and peculier life is bound
348) Commentary Note for line 2288:
2288 The liues of many, the {cesse} <cease> of Maiestie
349) Commentary Note for line 2303:
2303 Behind the Arras I'le conuay my selfe
350) Commentary Note for line 2306:
2306 Tis meete that some more audience then a mother,
    ... lation by John Sarge ...

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