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251 to 260 of 4573 Entries from All Files for "john" in All Fields

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251) Commentary Note for lines 1472-3:
1472-3 chopine, pray God | your voyce like a peece of vncurrant gold,
252) Commentary Note for lines 1473-4:
1473-4 bee not crackt | within the ring: maisters you are all welcome,
    ... /tab>john1 ...
    ...  <sc>john1 ...
253) Commentary Note for lines 1474-7:
1474-5 weele en | to't like {friendly Fankners} <French Faulconers>, fly at any thing we see,
1475-7 weele | haue a speech straite, come giue vs a tast of your qua|lity,
    ... /tab>john1 ...
    ... 3 =  JOHN1 ...
    ... King John, ...
254) Commentary Note for lines 1481-2:
1481-2 the million, t'was cauiary to the | generall, but it was as I receaued
    ... /tab>john1 ...
    ... x to JOHN1 ...
    ... 3: = JOHN  ...
    ...  Sir John  ...
255) Commentary Note for lines 1493-4:
1493-4 beast, {tis} <It is> not so, it beginnes with Pirrhus, | the rugged Pirrhus, he whose
1494 sable Armes,
256) Commentary Note for line 1524:
1524 A silence in the heauens, the racke stand still,
    ... ; <i>John, ...
257) Commentary Note for line 1542:
1542 {Player} < 1. Play>. But who, {a woe} <O who>, had seene the {mobled} <inobled> Queene,
    ... /tab>john1 ...
    ... ><sc>john1 ...
    ... rb + john1 ...
    ... arb, john, ...
258) Commentary Note for line 1601:
1601 Had he the {motiue, and that} <the Motiue and the Cue> for passion
    ... /tab>john1 ...
    ... ><sc>john1 ...
    ...  <sc>john< ...
259) Commentary Note for line 1603:
1603 And cleaue the generall eare with horrid speech,
    ... /tab>john1 ...
    ... 73 = john1 ...
    ... King John, ...
    ... King John< ...
260) Commentary Note for line 1607:
1607 A dull and muddy metteld raskall peake,
    ... , <i>John- ...
    ... lain John- ...
    ... o <i>John- ...

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