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81 to 90 of 4573 Entries from All Files for "john" in All Fields

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81) Commentary Note for line 374:
374 Ham. In my mindes eye Horatio.
82) Commentary Note for line 377:
377 I shall not looke vppon his like againe.
83) Commentary Note for line 382:
382 Hora. Season your admiration for a while
84) Commentary Note for line 389:
389 In the dead wast and middle of the night
85) Commentary Note for line 395:
395 Within his tronchions length, whil'st they {distil'd} <bestil'd>
86) Commentary Note for line 396:
396 Almost to gelly, with the act of feare
87) Commentary Note for line 406:
406 Ham. Did you not speake to it?
88) Commentary Note for line 408:
408 But answere made it none, yet once me thought
89) Commentary Note for line 410:
410 It selfe to motion like as it would speake:
90) Commentary Note for line 426:
426 Hora. O yes my Lord, he wore his beauer vp.

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