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61 to 70 of 4573 Entries from All Files for "john" in All Fields

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61) Commentary Note for line 285:
285 To reason most absurd, whose common theame
62) Commentary Note for line 292:
292 And with no lesse nobilitie of loue
63) Commentary Note for line 294:
294 Doe I impart {toward you for} <towards you. For> your intent
64) Commentary Note for line 296:
296 It is most {retrogard} <retrograde> to our desire,
65) Commentary Note for line 308:
308 No iocond health that Denmarke drinkes to day,
66) Commentary Note for line 310:
310 And the Kings rowse the {heauen} <Heauens> shall brute againe,
67) Commentary Note for line 313:
313 Ham. O that this too too {sallied} <solid> flesh would melt, {but Hamlet}
68) Commentary Note for line 316:
316 His cannon gainst {seale} <Selfe->slaughter, ô God, <O> God,
69) Commentary Note for line 319:
319 Fie on't, {ah fie,} <Oh fie, fie,> tis an vnweeded garden
70) Commentary Note for line 324:
324 Hiperion to a satire, so louing to my mother,

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