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161 to 170 of 4573 Entries from All Files for "john" in All Fields

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161) Commentary Note for line 747:
747 With iuyce of cursed {Hebona} <Hebenon> in a viall,
162) Commentary Note for line 749:
749 The {leaprous} <leaperous> distilment, whose effect
163) Commentary Note for line 753:
753 And with a sodaine vigour it doth {possesse} <posset>
164) Commentary Note for line 754:
754 And curde like {eager} <Aygre> droppings into milke,
165) Commentary Note for line 756:
756 And a most instant tetter {barckt} <bak'd> about
166) Commentary Note for line 760:
760 Of life, of Crowne, {of} <and> Queene at once dispatcht,
167) Commentary Note for line 762:
762 2352 Vnhuzled, disappointed, {vnanueld} <vnnaneld>,
168) Commentary Note for line 765:
765 O horrible, ô horrible, most horrible.
169) Commentary Note for line 774:
774 The Gloworme shewes the matine to be neere
170) Commentary Note for line 775:
775 And gins to pale his vneffectuall fire,

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