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170 to 179 of 246 Entries from All Files for "hamlet near horatio" in All Fields

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170) Commentary Note for line 3504:
3504 That would not let me sleepe, {my} <me> thought I lay
    ... [2H4 2.1.74-86]] the narration given by Hamlet to Horatio of the occurrences dur ...
171) Commentary Note for line 3505:
3505 Worse then the mutines in the {bilbo} <Bilboes>, rashly, 3505
    ... [2H4 2.1.74-86]] the narration given by Hamlet to Horatio of the occurrences dur ...
172) Commentary Note for line 3506:
3506 And {praysd} <praise> be rashnes for it: let vs knowe,
    ... [2H4 2.1.74-86]] the narration given by Hamlet to Horatio of the occurrences dur ...
173) Commentary Note for line 3507_350:
3507 Our indiscretion {sometime} <sometimes> serues vs well
3508 When our {deepe} <deare> plots doe {fall} <paule>, & that should {learne} <teach> vs
    ...  445&gt;&#x201C;The usual reading, when Hamlet is beginning his narrative to Hor ...
    ... the final catastrophe has at last come, Hamlet &#8216;defies augury.' Thrusting  ...
    ... e of the moment. It was done rashly, as Hamlet said to Horatio of an act of his  ...
    ... of an act of his on board the ship; and Hamlet's comment on this rashness has in ...
    ... io at the beginning of the final scene, Hamlet tells him of the strong sense he  ...
174) Commentary Note for line 3509_351:
3509 Ther's a diuinity that shapes our ends,
3510 Rough hew them how we will. 3510
    ... re is more about the voyage to England. Hamlet knew well enough that his conduct ...
175) Commentary Note for line 3512_351:
3512 Ham. Vp from my Cabin,
3513 My sea-gowne scarft about me in the darke
    ... ell into the same pit which was dug for Hamlet, but not by them. They &#8216;go  ...
    ... ad of philosophizing in the background, Hamlet is in the very front of the actio ...
176) Commentary Note for line 3514:
3514 Gropt I to find out them, had my desire,
    ... ell into the same pit which was dug for Hamlet, but not by them. They &#8216;go  ...
    ... ad of philosophizing in the background, Hamlet is in the very front of the actio ...
177) Commentary Note for line 3515:
3515 Fingard their packet, and in fine with-drew 3515
    ... ell into the same pit which was dug for Hamlet, but not by them. They &#8216;go  ...
    ... ad of philosophizing in the background, Hamlet is in the very front of the actio ...
178) Commentary Note for line 3516:
3516 To mine owne roome againe, making so bold
    ... ell into the same pit which was dug for Hamlet, but not by them. They &#8216;go  ...
    ... ad of philosophizing in the background, Hamlet is in the very front of the actio ...
179) Commentary Note for line 3517_351:
3517 My feares forgetting manners to {vnfold} <vnseale> {N1v}
3518 Their graund commission; where I found Horatio
    ... ell into the same pit which was dug for Hamlet, but not by them. They &#8216;go  ...
    ... ad of philosophizing in the background, Hamlet is in the very front of the actio ...

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