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71 to 80 of 246 Entries from All Files for "hamlet near horatio" in All Fields

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71) Commentary Note for line 661:
661 And there {assume} <assumes> some other horrable forme
    ... rive Hamle ...
72) Commentary Note for line 662:
662 Which might depriue your soueraigntie of reason,
    ... s to Hamle ...
    ... sing Hamle ...
    ... n to Hamle ...
    ...  for Hamle ...
73) Commentary Note for line 675:
675 Hora. He waxes desperate with {imagion} <imagination>.
    ...  for Hamle ...
    ... that Hamle ...
74) Commentary Note for line 681:
681 Enter Ghost, and Hamlet.
    ... ure: Hamle ...
    ... find Hamle ...
    ... find Hamle ...
    ...  and Hamle ...
    ... ough Hamle ...
75) Commentary Note for line 710:
710 Ghost. Reuenge his foule, and most vnnaturall murther.
    ... ked. Hamle ...
76) Commentary Note for line 723:
723 A Serpent stung me, so the whole eare of Denmarke
    ... n of Hamle ...
    ... both Hamle ...
    ...  Old Hamle ...
77) Commentary Note for line 729:
729 Ghost. I that incestuous, that adulterate beast, {D3}
    ... haps Hamle ...
78) Commentary Note for line 762:
762 2352 Vnhuzled, disappointed, {vnanueld} <vnnaneld>,
    ...  Old Hamle ...
79) Commentary Note for line 792:
792 My tables, <my Tables;> meet it is I set it downe
    ... 28], Hamle ...
80) Commentary Note for line 795:
795 So Vncle, there you are, now to my word,
    ... fter Hamle ...

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