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21 to 30 of 246 Entries from All Files for "hamlet near horatio" in All Fields

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21) Commentary Note for line 170:
170 This spirit dumb to vs, will speake to him:
    ... s to Hamle ...
22) Commentary Note for line 190:
190 With mirth in funerall, and with dirdge in marriage,
    ... 01D; Hamle ...
23) Commentary Note for line 203:
203 To our most valiant brother, so much for him:
    ... </i> Hamle ...
24) Commentary Note for line 234:
234 To showe my dutie in your Coronation;
    ... King Hamle ...
25) Commentary Note for line 291:
291 You are the most imediate to our throne,
    ... ath, Hamle ...
26) Commentary Note for line 295:
295 In going back to schoole in Wittenberg,
    ... 64], Hamle ...
    ... usly Hamle ...
    ... Only Hamle ...
27) Commentary Note for line 313:
313 Ham. O that this too too {sallied} <solid> flesh would melt, {but Hamlet}
    ... t on Hamle ...
    ... tory Hamle ...
    ... hen  Hamle ...
28) Commentary Note for line 324:
324 Hiperion to a satire, so louing to my mother,
    ... d by Hamle ...
29) Commentary Note for line 337:
337 Then I to Hercules, within a month,
    ... King Hamle ...
30) Commentary Note for line 341:
341 With such dexteritie to incestious sheets,
    ... end, Hamle ...

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