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180 to 189 of 246 Entries from All Files for "hamlet near horatio" in All Fields

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180) Commentary Note for line 3519:
3519 {A} <Oh> royall knauery, an exact command
    ...  for Hamle ...
    ... und, Hamle ...
181) Commentary Note for line 3520_352:
3520 Larded with many seuerall sorts of {reasons,} <reason;> 3520
3521 Importing Denmarkes health, and Englands to,
    ...  for Hamle ...
    ... und, Hamle ...
182) Commentary Note for line 3544:
3544 And stand a Comma tweene their amities,
    ... ween Hamle ...
    ... when Hamle ...
183) Commentary Note for line 3548_354:
3548 He should {those} <the> bearers put to suddaine death,
3549 Not shriuing time alow'd.
    ... e of Hamle ...
184) Commentary Note for line 3553:
3553 Which was the modill of that Danish seale,
    ... d)). Hamle ...
185) Commentary Note for line 3559:
3559 Hora. So Guyldensterne and Rosencraus goe too't.
    ... that Hamle ...
    ... says Hamle ...
    ... says Hamle ...
    ... that Hamle ...
    ... hink Hamle ...
    ... rer. Hamle ...
    ... sing Hamle ...
186) Commentary Note for line 3560:
3560 <Ham. Why man, they did make loue to this imployment> 3560
    ... with Hamle ...
    ... 't', Hamle ...
    ... s in Hamle ...
    ... s in Hamle ...
187) Commentary Note for line 3561:
3561 Ham. They are not neere my conscience, their {defeat} <debate>
    ...  was Hamle ...
    ... new; Hamle ...
188) Commentary Note for line 3562_356:
3562 {Dooes} <Doth> by their owne insinnuation growe,
3563 Tis dangerous when the baser nature comes
    ... rne, Hamle ...
189) Commentary Note for line 3564_356:
3564 Betweene the passe and fell incenced points
3565 Of mighty opposits.
    ... new; Hamle ...

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