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141 to 150 of 246 Entries from All Files for "hamlet near horatio" in All Fields

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141) Commentary Note for line 3067:
3067 Thus {didst} <didest> thou.
    ... ging Hamle ...
142) Commentary Note for line 3153:
3153 Our purpose may hold there; {but stay, what noyse?} <how sweet Queene.>
    ...  and Hamle ...
143) Commentary Note for line 3189:
3189 Enter two Clownes.
    ... fter Hamle ...
    ... holy Hamle ...
    ... with Hamle ...
    ... igs. Hamle ...
144) Commentary Note for line 3245:
3245 <Enter Hamlet and Horatio a farre off.> 3245
    ... nter Hamle ...
    ... nter Hamle ...
    ... When Hamle ...
    ... ing, Hamle ...
    ... eten Hamle ...
    ... on], Hamle ...
    ... When Hamle ...
    ... this Hamle ...
145) Commentary Note for lines 3249-50:
3249-50 Goe get thee | {in, and} <to Yaughan,> fetch mee a soope of liquer.
    ... lays Hamle ...
    ...  for Hamle ...
146) Commentary Note for lines 3256-57:
{M2v/3255+1} {Enter Hamlet and Horatio.}
3256-7 Ham. Has this fellowe no feeling of his busines? <that>| {a} <he> sings {in} <at> graue-
3257 making.
    ... nter Hamle ...
    ... t of Hamle ...
    ... e of Hamle ...
    ... nter Hamle ...
147) Commentary Note for lines 3267-68:
3267-8 Ham. That skull had a tongue in it, and could sing | once, how the
    ... n of Hamle ...
148) Commentary Note for lines 3268-69:
3268-9 knaue iowles it to the ground, as if {twere} <it | were> Caines iawbone, that did the
    ... n of Hamle ...
149) Commentary Note for lines 3269-70:
3269-70 first {murder, this} <murther: It> | might be the pate of a pollitician, which this asse {now}
    ... n of Hamle ...
150) Commentary Note for lines 3270-71:
3270-1 {ore-reaches;} <o're Of-| fices:>one that {would} <could> circumuent God, might it not?
    ... n of Hamle ...

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