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61 to 70 of 246 Entries from All Files for "hamlet near horatio" in All Fields

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61) Commentary Note for line 610:
610 Wherein the spirit held his wont to walke {A florish of trumpets }
62) Commentary Note for line 612:
612 Ham. The King doth wake to night and takes his rowse.
63) Commentary Note for line 617:
617 Hora. Is it a custome?
64) Commentary Note for line 620:
620 And to the manner borne, it is a custome
65) Commentary Note for line 621+1:
621+1 {This heauy headed reueale east and west}
66) Commentary Note for line 622:
622 Enter Ghost.
67) Commentary Note for line 624:
624 Ham. Angels and Ministers of grace defend vs:
68) Commentary Note for line 628:
628 Thou com'st in such a questionable shape,
69) Commentary Note for line 629:
629 That I will speake to thee, Ile call thee Hamlet,
70) Commentary Note for line 642:
642-3 Say why is this, wherefore, what should we doe? {Beckins.}

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