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231 to 240 of 246 Entries from All Files for "hamlet near horatio" in All Fields

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231) Material Textual Note for line 830:
830 And much offence to, touching this vision heere,
232) Material Textual Note for lines 2141-42:
2141-2 {Pol.} <All.> Lights, lights, lights. Exeunt | {all but Ham. & Horatio.}
2142 <Manet Hamlet & Horatio.>
233) Material Textual Note for lines 3249-50:
3249-50Goe get thee | {in, and} <to Yaughan,> fetch mee a soope of liquer.
234) Material Textual Note for line 3251:
3251 <Sings.> 3251
235) Material Textual Note for lines 3256-57:
{M2v/3255+1} {Enter Hamlet and Horatio.}
3256-7 Ham. Has this fellowe no feeling of his busines? <that>| {a} <he> sings {in} <at> graue-
3257 making.
236) Material Textual Note for line 3404:
3404 But soft, but soft {awhile,} <aside;> here comes the King, {Enter K. Q. }
237) Material Textual Note for line 3492:
3492 King. I pray {thee} <you> good Horatio waite vpon him. {and Horatio.}
238) Material Textual Note for line 3499:
3499 Enter Hamlet and Horatio.
239) Immaterial Textual Note for line 371:
371 {Or euer I had} <Ere I had euer> seene that day Horatio,
240) Immaterial Textual Note for line 380:
380 Hora. My Lord the King your father.

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