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200 to 209 of 246 Entries from All Files for "hamlet near horatio" in All Fields

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200) Commentary Note for line 3610_16_:
3610+16 {Cour. Sir.}
3610+17 {Hora. Ist not possible to vnderstand in another tongue, you will}
3610+18 {doo't sir really.}
201) Commentary Note for line 3630_363:
3630-1 {Cour.} <Osr.> The King sir, hath layd {sir,} that in a dozen passes be|tweene
202) Commentary Note for line 3656:
3656 the most {prophane and trennowed} <fond and winnowed> opinions, and doe but blowe 3656
203) Commentary Note for line 3657_1_3:
3657+1 {Enter a Lord.} 3657+1
3657+2 {Lord. My Lord, his Maiestie commended him to you by young}
3657+3 {Ostricke, who brings backe to him that you attend him in the hall,}
204) Commentary Note for line 3657_4_3:
3657+4 {he sends to know if your pleasure hold to play with Laertes, or that}
3657+5 {you will take longer time?} 3657+5
205) Commentary Note for line 3657_6_3:
3657+6 {Ham. I am constant to my purposes, they followe the Kings plea-}
3657+7 {sure, if his fitnes speakes, mine is ready: now or whensoeuer, pro-}
3657+8 {uided I be so able as now.}
206) Commentary Note for line 3666_366:
3666-7 Hora. If your minde dislike any thing, obay {it}. I will for|stal their
3667 repaire hether, and say you are not fit.
207) Commentary Note for line 3668_366:
3668-9 Ham. Not a whit, we defie augury, {there is} <there's a> speciall | prouidence in
208) Commentary Note for line 3669_367:
3669-70 the fall of a Sparrowe, if it be <now>, tis not | to come, if it be not to come,
3670-1 it will be now, if it | be not now, yet it {well} <will> come, the readines is all,
209) Commentary Note for line 3671_367:
3671-3 since no | man {of} <ha's> ought <of what> he leaues, {knowes} what ist to leaue be|times, 3671-3
3673+1 {let be.}

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