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11 to 20 of 246 Entries from All Files for "hamlet near horatio" in All Fields

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11) Commentary Note for line 103:
103 Did slay this Fortinbrasse, who by a seald compact
12) Commentary Note for line 113:
113 Of vnimprooued mettle, hot and full,
13) Commentary Note for line 124+16:
124+16 {And prologue to the Omen comming on}
14) Commentary Note for lines 127-8:
127 Ile crosse it though it blast mee: stay illusion, {It spreads}
128 If thou hast any sound or vse of voyce, {his armes.}
15) Commentary Note for line 138:
138 Hor. Doe if it will not stand.
16) Commentary Note for line 147:
147 Hor. And then it started like a guilty thing,
17) Commentary Note for line 156:
156 Mar. It faded on the crowing of the Cock.
18) Commentary Note for line 157:
157 Some {say} <sayes,> that euer gainst that season comes
19) Commentary Note for line 164:
164 Hora. So haue I heard and doe in part belieue it,
20) Commentary Note for line 165:
165 But looke the morne in russet mantle clad

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