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31 to 40 of 57 Entries from All Files for "Student" in All Fields

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31) Commentary Note for lines 2375-76:
2375-6 Pol. {A} <He> will come strait, | looke you lay home to him,
    ... or a stude ...
32) Commentary Note for line 2628:
2628 And whats vntimely doone,
    ...  any stude ...
2685-6 Ham. Not where he eates, but where {a} <he> is eaten, a {certaine} <cer-| taine> conua-
2686-7 cation of {politique} wormes are een at him: your worme | is your onely
2687-8 Emperour for dyet, we fat all creatures els | to fat vs, and wee fat our
2688-9 {selues} <selfe> for maggots, your fat King | and your leane begger is but varia-
2689-90 ble {seruice, two} <service t
    ...  the stude ...
34) Commentary Note for line 2743+26:
2743+26 {How all occasions doe informe against me,}
    ... f my stude ...
35) Commentary Note for lines 2930-31:
2930-1 Laer. A document in madnes, thoughts and {remembrance} <remem-| brance>fitted. 2930
    ... ch a stude ...
36) Commentary Note for line 3152:
3152 If he by chaunce escape your venom'd stuck,
    ...  the stude ...
37) Commentary Note for line 3211:
3211 Clowne.I marry i'st, Crowners quest law.
    ...  law stude ...
38) Commentary Note for lines 3289-90:
3289-90 Ham. There's another, why {may} <might> not that be the | skull of <of> a Lawyer,
    ...  the stude ...
39) Commentary Note for lines 3295-96:
3295-6 Land, with his Statuts, his recog|nisances, his fines, his double vou- 3295
3296 chers, his recoueries,
    ... as a stude ...
40) Commentary Note for lines 3338-39:
3338-9 very day that young Hamlet was borne: hee | that {is} <was> mad and sent into
3339 England.
    ... n, a stude ...
    ... en a stude ...
    ... erly stude ...

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