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51 to 57 of 57 Entries from All Files for "Student" in All Fields

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51) Commentary Note for line 3572_74:
3572 <To quit him with this arme? And is't not to be damn'd>
3573 <To let this Canker of our nature come>
3574 <In further euill.>
52) Commentary Note for line 3656:
3656 the most {prophane and trennowed} <fond and winnowed> opinions, and doe but blowe 3656
53) Commentary Note for line 3746_374:
3746 Ostrick. A hit, a very palpable hit. {Drum, trumpets and shot.}
3747 Laer. Well, againe. {Florish, a peece goes off.}
54) Commentary Note for line 3756_375:
3756 Quee. Hee's fat and scant of breath.
3757 {Heere Hamlet take my} <Heere's a> napkin rub thy browes,
3758 The Queene carowses to thy fortune Hamlet.
55) Commentary Note for line 3848_384:
3848-9 Hora. Now {cracks} <cracke> a noble hart, | good night sweete Prince,
56) Material Textual Note for line 365:
365 Ham. I {prethee} <pray thee> doe not mocke me {fellowe studient,}<(fellow Student)>
57) Immaterial Textual Note for line 365:
365 Ham. I {prethee} <pray thee> doe not mocke me {fellowe studient,}<(fellow Student)>

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