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41 to 50 of 57 Entries from All Files for "Student" in All Fields

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41) Commentary Note for lines 3351-52:
3351-2 Clow. Why heere in Denmarke: I haue been {Sexten} <sixeteene>| heere man
3352 and boy thirty yeeres.
42) Commentary Note for lines 3356-58:
3356-7 yeere, or nine | yeere. A Tanner will last you nine yeere.
3358 Ham. Why he more then another?
43) Commentary Note for line 3403:
3403 Should patch a wall t'expell the {waters} <winters> flaw. 3403
44) Commentary Note for lines 3472-73:
3472 Woo't weepe, woo't fight, {woo't fast,} woo't teare thy selfe,
3473 Woo't drinke vp Esill, eate a Crocadile?
45) Commentary Note for line 3480_348:
3480 Make Ossa like a wart, nay and thou'lt mouthe,
3481 Ile rant as well as thou.
46) Commentary Note for line 3503:
3503 Ham. Sir in my hart there was a kind of fighting
47) Commentary Note for line 3504:
3504 That would not let me sleepe, {my} <me> thought I lay
48) Commentary Note for line 3505:
3505 Worse then the mutines in the {bilbo} <Bilboes>, rashly, 3505
49) Commentary Note for line 3548_354:
3548 He should {those} <the> bearers put to suddaine death,
3549 Not shriuing time alow'd.
50) Commentary Note for line 3572_357:
3572 <To quit him with this arme? And is't not to be damn'd>
3573 <To let this Canker of our nature come>
3574 <In further euill.>

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