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21 to 30 of 57 Entries from All Files for "Student" in All Fields

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21) Commentary Note for line 829:
829 Ham. Yes by Saint Patrick but there is {Horatio} <my Lord>,
22) Commentary Note for line 885:
885 The time is out of ioynt, ô cursed spight
23) Commentary Note for line 1019:
1019 {Florish.} Enter King {and} Queene, Rosencraus and
24) Commentary Note for line 1021:
1021 King. Welcome deere Rosencraus, and Guyldensterne,
25) Commentary Note for lines 1137-39:
1137 To the Celestiall and my soules Idoll, the most beau-
1137-9 tified O|phelia,| that's an ill phrase, a {vile} <vilde> phrase,
26) Commentary Note for lines 1448-50:
1448-50 Plautus |too light for the lawe of writ, and the liberty: these are | the
27) Commentary Note for lines 1953-54:
1953-4 You playd once | i'th Vniuersitie you say,
28) Commentary Note for line 2040:
2040 King. Faith I must leaue thee loue, and shortly to,
29) Commentary Note for line 2156:
2156 A very very paiock. 2156
30) Commentary Note for line 2314:
2314 A brothers murther, pray can I not,

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