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31 to 40 of 57 Entries from All Files for "Rosencrantz notnear Guildenstern" in All Fields

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31) Commentary Note for lines 2641-43:
2641-2 Ham. That I can keepe your counsaile & not mine | owne, besides
2642-3 to be demaunded of a spunge, what {replycation} <re-| plication> should be made by
2643 the sonne of a King.
    ... inem Rosen ...
    ... om a Rosen ...
    ... alls Rosen ...
    ... s to Rosen ...
32) Commentary Note for lines 2652-53:
2652-3 Ham. I am glad of it, a knauish speech sleepes in a | foolish eare.
    ... ting Rosen ...
33) Commentary Note for lines 2656-57:
2656-7 Ham. The body is with the King, but the King is not | with the {K2}
2657 body. The King is a thing{.} <—>
    ... ting Rosen ...
34) Commentary Note for lines 2659-60:
2659-60 Ham. Of nothing, bring me to him <, hide Fox, and all | after>. Exeunt.
    ... e of Rosen ...
35) Commentary Note for lines 2672-2672+1:
2672 Or not at all. <Enter Rosincrane.>
2672+1 {Enter Rosencraus and all the rest.}
    ... ince Rosen ...
36) Commentary Note for lines 2677-78:
2677-8 Ros. Without my lord, guarded to know your | pleasure.
    ... told Rosen ...
37) Commentary Note for lines 3249-50:
3249-50 Goe get thee | {in, and} <to Yaughan,> fetch mee a soope of liquer.
    ... ern, Rosen ...
38) Commentary Note for line 3421:
3421 Yet heere she is allow'd her virgin {Crants} <Rites>,
    ... eing Rosen ...
    ...  von Rosen ...
    ... y of Rosen ...
39) Commentary Note for line 3512_351:
3512 Ham. Vp from my Cabin,
3513 My sea-gowne scarft about me in the darke
    ... ' of Rosen ...
40) Commentary Note for line 3514:
3514 Gropt I to find out them, had my desire,
    ... ' of Rosen ...

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