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11 to 20 of 57 Entries from All Files for "Rosencrantz notnear Guildenstern" in All Fields

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11) Commentary Note for line 2168:
2168 Guyl. Good my Lord, voutsafe me a word with you.
12) Commentary Note for lines 2185-89:
2185-6 Guyl. Nay good my Lord, this curtesie is not of | the right breede, if 2185
2186-7 it shall please you to make me a {wholsome} <whol-| some> aunswere, I will doe your
2187-8 mothers commaundement, | if not, your pardon and my returne, shall
2188-9 be the end of | <my> busines.
13) Commentary Note for lines 2196-97:
2196-7 Ros. Then thus she sayes, your behauiour hath strooke | her into a- 2196
2197 mazement and admiration.
14) Commentary Note for lines 2203-04:
2203-4 Ham. We shall obey, were she ten times our mother, | haue you any
2204 further trade with vs?
15) Commentary Note for line 2206:
2206 Ham. {And} <So I> doe still by these pickers and stealers.
16) Commentary Note for lines 2207-09:
2207-8 Ros. Good my Lord, what is your cause of {distemper,} <distem-| per>, you do {sure-} {H4}
2208-9 {ly} <freely> barre the doore {vpon} <of> your owne {liberty} <Liber-| tie> if you deny your griefes to
2209 your friend.
17) Commentary Note for line 2210:
2210 Ham. Sir I lacke aduauncement. 2210
18) Commentary Note for lines 2213-18:
2213-4 Ham. I {sir}, but while the grasse growes, the prouerbe is | something
2214-16 musty, | <Enter one with a Recorder.> | ô the {Recorders,} <Recorder.> let mee see {one}, to withdraw with you, why
2217-8 doe you goe about to recouer the wind of mee, as if you | would driue
2218 me into a toyle?
19) Commentary Note for lines 2219-20:
2219-20 Guyl. O my lord, if my duty be too bold, my loue | is too vnmanerly.
20) Commentary Note for line 2226:
2226 Ham. I doe beseech you.

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