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1 to 10 of 57 Entries from All Files for "Rosencrantz notnear Guildenstern" in All Fields

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1) Commentary Note for line 1010:
1010 I had not {coted} <quoted> him, I {fear'd} <feare> he did but trifle
2) Commentary Note for line 1019:
1019 {Florish.} Enter King {and} Queene, Rosencraus and
3) Commentary Note for line 1021:
1021 King. Welcome deere Rosencraus, and Guyldensterne,
4) Commentary Note for lines 1379-80:
1379-80 Ros. I thinke their inhibition, comes by the meanes |of the late
5) Commentary Note for line 1380:
1380 innouasion.
6) Commentary Note for lines 1386-7:
1386 <pace; But there is Sir an ayrie of Children, little>
1387 <Yases, that crye out on the top of question; and>
7) Commentary Note for line 1407:
1407 < Ham. Do the Boyes carry it away?>
8) Commentary Note for line 1408:
1408 < Rosin. I that they do my Lord, Hercules & his load too.>
9) Commentary Note for line 1661:
1661 Ros. Niggard of question, but of our demaunds
10) Commentary Note for line 1710:
1710 Ham. To be, or not to be, that is the question,
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