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91 to 100 of 173 Entries from All Files for "Rosencrantz" in All Fields

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91) Commentary Note for line 2663:
2663 How dangerous is it that this man goes loose,
    ... rs: after Rosencrant ...
92) Commentary Note for lines 2672-2672+1:
2672 Or not at all. <Enter Rosincrane.>
2672+1 {Enter Rosencraus and all the rest.}
    ... o his and Rosencrant ...
    ... st. Since Rosencrant ...
    ... n leaving Rosencrant ...
    ... d he made Rosencrant ...
93) Commentary Note for lines 2677-78:
2677-8 Ros. Without my lord, guarded to know your | pleasure.
    ...  not told Rosencrant ...
94) Commentary Note for line 2680:
2680 Ros. {How,} <Hoa, Guildensterne? > bring in {the} <my> Lord. {They enter.}
    ... pielt, da Rosencrant ...
    ... rd, since Rosencrant ...
95) Commentary Note for line 2721:
2721 Away, for euery thing is seald and done
    ... ough that Rosencrant ...
96) Commentary Note for line 2729:
2729 By Letters {congruing} <coniuring> to that effect
    ... ssion' of Rosencrant ...
    ...  given to Rosencrant ...
97) Commentary Note for line 2743+25:
2743+25 {Ham. Ile be with you straight, goe a little before.} 2743+25
    ... sing that Rosencrant ...
98) Commentary Note for line 2843:
2843 And as the world were now but to beginne,
    ... stern and Rosencrant ...
99) Commentary Note for line 2988_298:
2988-9 were two daies old at Sea, a Pyrat of very | warlike appointment gaue
    ...  to leave Rosencrant ...
100) Commentary Note for line 3017:
3017 King. O for two speciall reasons
    ...  sent, by Rosencrant ...

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