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11 to 20 of 173 Entries from All Files for "Rosencrantz" in All Fields

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11) Commentary Note for line 971:
971 Oph. {O my Lord, my Lord} <Alas my Lord>, I haue beene so affrighted,
12) Commentary Note for line 1008:
1008 Pol. That hath made him mad.
13) Commentary Note for line 1010:
1010 I had not {coted} <quoted> him, I {fear'd} <feare> he did but trifle
14) Commentary Note for line 1019:
1019 {Florish.} Enter King {and} Queene, Rosencraus and
15) Commentary Note for line 1021:
1021 King. Welcome deere Rosencraus, and Guyldensterne,
16) Commentary Note for line 1211:
1211 Ham. Excellent <excellent> well, you are a Fishmonger.
17) Commentary Note for lines 1270-1:
1270-1 {A Rosencraus,} <Oh, Rosincrane;> good lads how doe you | both? 1270
18) Commentary Note for lines 1331-2:
1331-2 rights of our fellowship, by the consonancie of | our youth, by the
19) Commentary Note for lines 1343-4:
1343-4 forgon all custome of ex|ercises: and indeede it goes so {heauily} <heauenly> with
20) Commentary Note for lines 1363-4:
1363-4 entertainment the players shall receaue | from you, we coted them

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