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31 to 40 of 89 Entries from All Files for "Ophelia near Polonius" in All Fields

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31) Commentary Note for line 973:
973 Ophe. My Lord, as I was sowing in my {closset} <Chamber>,
    ... aviour to Ophelia by ...
32) Commentary Note for line 981:
981 Pol. Mad for thy loue?
    ... rance, as Ophelia de ...
33) Commentary Note for line 984:
984 Oph. He tooke me by the wrist, and held me hard,
    ... oduced by Ophelia's  ...
    ... hamber of Ophelia.</ ...
34) Commentary Note for line 994:
994 And with his head ouer his {shoulder} <shoulders> turn'd
    ...  engaging Ophelia's  ...
35) Commentary Note for line 1009:
1009 I am sorry, that with better {heede} <speed> and iudgement
    ... 1C;Though Ophelia sa ...
36) Commentary Note for line 1010:
1010 I had not {coted} <quoted> him, I {fear'd} <feare> he did but trifle
    ...  advising Ophelia, t ...
    ... rected to Ophelia as ...
    ... y between Ophelia an ...
    ... e says to Ophelia, [ ...
    ... eproaches Ophelia, a ...
37) Commentary Note for line 1015:
1015 To lack discretion; come, goe we to the King,
    ... y placing Ophelia's  ...
    ... 69) gives Ophelia an ...
38) Commentary Note for line 1016:
1016 This must be knowne, which beeing kept close, might moue
    ... r love of Ophelia. H ...
39) Commentary Note for lines 1137-39:
1137 To the Celestiall and my soules Idoll, the most beau-
1137-9 tified O|phelia,| that's an ill phrase, a {vile} <vilde> phrase,
    ... Letter to Ophelia, w ...
    ... g that <i>Ophelia's< ...
    ... eautified Ophelia' [ ...
40) Commentary Note for line 1211:
1211 Ham. Excellent <excellent> well, you are a Fishmonger.
    ...  Players, Ophelia, e ...
    ...  plan for Ophelia ;  ...
    ... lonius is Ophelia's  ...

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