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91 to 100 of 111 Entries from All Files for "Ophelia near Polonius" in All Fields

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91) Commentary Note for line 3130:
3130 Laer. I will doo't,
    ... us falls, Ophelia be ...
92) Commentary Note for line 3178:
3178 Laer. Too much of water hast thou poore Ophelia,
    ... illed and Ophelia go ...
93) Commentary Note for lines 3351-52:
3351-2 Clow. Why heere in Denmarke: I haue been {Sexten} <sixeteene>| heere man
3352 and boy thirty yeeres.
    ... hey warnd Ophelia ag ...
    ... hey warnd Ophelia ag ...
94) Commentary Note for lines 3368-69:
3368-9 Renish on my head once; this same skull | sir, <this same Scull sir,> was {sir} Yoricks skull, the
3369 Kings Iester
    ... Claudius, Ophelia, M ...
95) Commentary Note for line 3415:
3415 {Doct.} <Priest.> Her obsequies haue been as farre inlarg'd 3415
    ... 2964) and Ophelia (3 ...
96) Commentary Note for lines 3441-42:
3441 Whose wicked deede thy most ingenious sence
3442 Depriued thee of, hold off the earth a while,
    ... attribute Ophelia's  ...
97) Commentary Note for lines 3448-49:
3448 Of blew Olympus.
3449 Ham. What is he whose {griefe} <griefes>
    ... ought for Ophelia in ...
98) Commentary Note for line 3668:
3678 Ham. Giue me your pardon sir, {I haue} <I'ue> done you wrong,
    ... s beloved Ophelia's  ...
99) Commentary Note for line 3674_367:
3675 {A table prepard, Trumpets, Drums and officers with Cushions,}
3674 {King, Queene, and all the state, Foiles, daggers,}
3674 { and Laertes.}
3674 <Enter King, Queene, Laertes and Lords, with other Atten->
3675 <dants with Foyles, and Gauntlets, a Table and>
3676 <Flagons of Wine on it.>
    ... Polonius, Ophelia, R ...
100) Commentary Note for line 3694_369:
3694 Free me so farre in your most generous thoughts
3695 That I haue shot {my} <mine> arrowe ore the house 3695
    ... lonius or Ophelia.&# ...

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