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81 to 90 of 111 Entries from All Files for "Ophelia near Polonius" in All Fields

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81) Commentary Note for line 2790:
2790 To morrow is S. Valentines day, {Song.}
2790 All in the morning betime,
    ... arouse in Ophelia in ...
82) Commentary Note for lines 2811-14:
2811-2 King. Follow her close, | giue her good watch I pray you.
2813-4 O this is the poyson of deepe griefe, it springs | all from her Fathers
2814 death, {and now behold,} ô Gertrard, Gertrard,
    ... onius and Ophelia; a ...
83) Commentary Note for line 2912:
2912 O heauens, ist possible a young maids wits
    ... instance' Ophelia's  ...
84) Commentary Note for line 2913:
2913 Should be as mortall as {a poore} <an old> mans life. 2913
    ... andes der Ophelia mi ...
    ...  death of Ophelia's  ...
85) Commentary Note for line 2914:
2914 <Nature is fine in Loue, and where 'tis fine,>
    ... rtes does Ophelia's  ...
    ... tigen der Ophelia fo ...
    ... e has let Ophelia's  ...
    ... instance' Ophelia's  ...
    ... instance' Ophelia's  ...
    ... and sends Ophelia's  ...
    ... tance' is Ophelia's  ...
    ... ove. Thus Ophelia's  ...
    ... his case, Ophelia's  ...
    ...  That is, Ophelia ha ...
86) Commentary Note for line 2915:
2915 <It sends some precious instance of it selfe>
    ... 201C;i.e. Ophelia ha ...
87) Commentary Note for lines 2923-25:
2923 Oph. You must sing {a downe} <downe> a downe,
2923-4 And you call | him a downe a. O how the wheele becomes it,
2924-5 It is | the false Steward that stole his Maisters daughter.
    ... mably, in Ophelia's  ...
    ... from whom Ophelia st ...
    ... n is that Ophelia as ...
    ... C;Perhaps Ophelia is ...
88) Commentary Note for line 2926:
2926 Laer. This nothing's more then matter.
    ... ches from Ophelia an ...
89) Commentary Note for lines 2927-29:
2927-8 Oph. There's Rosemary, thats for remembrance, | pray {you} loue re-
2928-9] member, and there is {Pancies} <Paconcies>, thats for | thoughts.
    ...  Laertes, Ophelia) b ...
    ... t of his. Ophelia's  ...
2932-3 Ophe. There's Fennill for you, and Colembines, there's | Rewe for
2933-4 you, & heere's some for me, we may call it | {herbe of Grace} <Herbe-Grace> a Sondaies,
2934-5 <Oh> you {may} <must> weare your Rewe | with a difference, there's a Dasie, I would
2935-7 giue you | some Violets, but they witherd all when my Father {dyed,} <dy-| ed:>, 2935
2937 they say     ... eation of Ophelia in ...
    ... ed, since Ophelia mu ...

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