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71 to 80 of 111 Entries from All Files for "Ophelia near Polonius" in All Fields

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71) Commentary Note for line 2405:
2405 Pol. O I am slaine. <Killes Polon ius.>
    ... It led to Ophelia's  ...
72) Commentary Note for line 2416:
2416 Leaue wringing of your hands, peace sit you downe,
    ... pplied to Ophelia, i ...
73) Commentary Note for line 2459:
2459 To flaming youth let vertue be as wax
    ... lonius to Ophelia in ...
74) Commentary Note for line 2549:
2549 I doe repent; but heauen hath pleasd it so
    ... inking of Ophelia. S ...
75) Commentary Note for line 2670:
2670 Deliberate pause, diseases desperat growne,
    ... amlet and Ophelia [3 ...
76) Commentary Note for line 2758:
2758 Though nothing sure, yet much vnhappily.
    ... o be that Ophelia's  ...
77) Commentary Note for line 2762:
2762 {Quee.} ‘To my sicke soule, as sinnes true nature is,
    ... amlet and Ophelia, a ...
78) Commentary Note for line 2768:
2768 Quee. How now Ophelia? {shee sings.}
    ... ppened to Ophelia he ...
    ... per level Ophelia's  ...
79) Commentary Note for line 2769:
2769 Oph. How should I your true loue know from another one,
    ...  music of Ophelia's  ...
80) Commentary Note for line 2781:
2781 Which beweept to the {ground} <graue> did not go {Song.}
    ... lained as Ophelia's  ...
    ... kely that Ophelia in ...

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