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61 to 70 of 111 Entries from All Files for "Ophelia near Polonius" in All Fields

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61) Commentary Note for line 1754:
1754 As made {these} <the> things more rich, {their} <then> perfume {lost,} <left:>
    ... t of Ophel ...
62) Commentary Note for line 1758:
1758 Ham. Ha, ha, are you honest.
    ... with Ophel ...
    ... d by Ophel ...
    ... rate Ophel ...
63) Commentary Note for lines 1762-3:
1762-3 Ham. That if you be honest & faire, {you} <your Honesty> | should admit
    ... ding Ophel ...
64) Commentary Note for lines 1768-9:
1768-9 late beautie into his likenes, | this was sometime a paradox, but now the
    ... ; of Ophel ...
65) Commentary Note for lines 1784-5:
1784-5 goe thy | waies to a {Nunry} <Nunnery>. Where's your father?
    ... that Ophel ...
    ... with Ophel ...
    ... ; to Ophel ...
66) Commentary Note for lines 1787-8:
1787-8 That he may | play the foole no {where} <way,> but in's owne house,
    ... usts Ophel ...
    ...  for Ophel ...
    ... n of Ophel ...
67) Commentary Note for line 1916:
1916 {S'hath} <Hath> seald thee for herselfe, for thou hast been
    ... lay, Ophel ...
68) Commentary Note for lines 1942-45:
1942 Polonius, Ophelia<, Rosincrance,>
1943 <Guildensterne, and other Lords attendant, with>
1944 <his Guard carrying Torches. Danish>
1945 < March. Sound a Flourish>.
    ... ius, Ophel ...
69) Commentary Note for line 2350:
2350 Ham. Now might I doe it {, but} <pat,> now {a} <he> is {a} praying,
    ... try, Ophel ...
70) Commentary Note for line 2383:
2383 With-drawe, I heare him comming.
    ...  und Ophel ...
    ...  und Ophel ...

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