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51 to 60 of 111 Entries from All Files for "Ophelia near Polonius" in All Fields

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51) Commentary Note for lines 1137-39:
1137 To the Celestiall and my soules Idoll, the most beau-
1137-9 tified O|phelia,| that's an ill phrase, a {vile} <vilde> phrase,
    ... r to Ophel ...
    ... t <i>Ophel ...
    ... fied Ophel ...
    ... fied Ophel ...
52) Commentary Note for line 1203:
1203 Enter Hamlet <reading on a Booke>.
    ... r to Ophel ...
53) Commentary Note for line 1211:
1211 Ham. Excellent <excellent> well, you are a Fishmonger.
    ... ting Ophel ...
    ... ers, Ophel ...
    ... g on Ophel ...
    ...  for Ophel ...
    ... s is Ophel ...
    ... n to Ophel ...
54) Commentary Note for lines 1219-20:
1219-20 good kissing carrion. | Haue you a daughter?
    ... e to Ophel ...
    ...  not Ophel ...
    ... kens Ophel ...
    ... nder Ophel ...
    ... s of Ophel ...
55) Commentary Note for lines 1368-9:
1368-9 target, the Louer shall | not sigh gratis, the humorus Man shall end
    ...  and Ophel ...
56) Commentary Note for lines 1451-2:
1451-2 Ham. O Ieptha Iudge of Israell, what a treasure had'st | thou?
    ... t of Ophel ...
57) Commentary Note for lines 1540-41:
1540-1 for a Iigge, or a tale of bawdry, or he | sleepes, say on, come to Hecuba.
    ... r to Ophel ...
58) Commentary Note for lines 1646-7:
1646-7 Enter King, Queene, Polonius, Ophelia, Ro | sencraus, Guyl-
1647 densterne, <and> Lords.
    ... ius, Ophel ...
59) Commentary Note for line 1710:
1710 Ham. To be, or not to be, that is the question,
    ... that Ophel ...
    ... with Ophel ...
    ... ting Ophel ...
    ... with Ophel ...
    ... that Ophel ...
    ... hich Ophel ...
    ...  for Ophel ...
60) Commentary Note for line 1742:
1742 And loose the name of action. Soft you now,
    ...  and Ophel ...

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