Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "176"
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Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "176"

The Tragedie of

Prince of Denmarke.


  1. [EH]
    173        Mar. {Lets} <Let> doo't I pray, and I this morning knowe1.1.174
    174       Where we shall find him most {conuenient} <conueniently>. Exeunt.1.1.175
    175                    <Scena Secunda.>..
    176       {Florish.} Enter Claudius, King of Denmarke, {Gertradt he} <Gertrude the> Queene,..
    177       <Hamlet> {Counsaile: as} Polonius, {and his Sonne} Laertes, <and his Sister O->..
    178       <phelia, Lords Attendant> {Hamlet, Cum Alijs}...
    179        {Claud.} <King.> Though yet of Hamlet our deare brothers death1.2.1

  2. [EH]
    361       Against your selfe, I knowe you are no truant,1.2.173
    362       But what is your affaire in Elsonoure?1.2.174
    363       Weele teach you {for} to drinke <deepe,> ere you depart.1.2.175
    364       {C2}  Hora. My Lord, I came to see your fathers funerall.1.2.176
    365        Ham. I {prethee} <pray thee> doe not mocke me fellowe studient,1.2.177
    366       I thinke it was to <see> my mothers wedding.1.2.178
    367        Hora. Indeede my Lord it followed hard vppon.1.2.179

  3. [EH]
    869       That you at such {times} <time> seeing me, neuer shall1.5.173
    870       With armes incombred thus, or {this} <thus,> head shake, 1.5.174
    871       Or by pronouncing of some doubtfull phrase,1.5.175
    872       As well, {well,} we knowe, or we could and if we would,1.5.176
    873       Or if we list to speake, or there be and if {they} <there> might,1.5.177
    874       Or such ambiguous giuing out, to note)1.5.178
    875       <Oo2> That you knowe ought of me, this {doe sweare,} <not to doe:>1.5.

  4. [EH]
    1210      Pol. Doe you knowe me my Lord?2.2.173
    1211      Ham. Excellent <excellent> well, {you are} <y'are> a Fishmonger.2.2.174
    1212      Pol. Not I my Lord.2.2.175
    1213      Ham. Then I would you were so honest a man.2.2.176
    1214      Pol. Honest my Lord.2.2.177
    1215      Ham. I sir to be honest as this world goes,2.2.179
    1215-6 Is to be | one man pickt out of {tenne} <two> thousand. 

  5. [EH]
    1831     Whereon his braines still beating3.1.174
    1831-2 Puts him thus | from fashion of himselfe. 
    1832     What thinke you on't?3.1.175
    1833      Pol. It shall doe well.3.1.176
    1833-4 But yet doe I belieue | the origin and comencement of {his} <this> greefe, 
    1835     Sprung from neglected loue: How now Ophelia?3.1.178
    1836     You neede not tell vs what Lord Hamlet said,3.1.179

  6. [EH]
    2040      King. Faith I must leaue thee loue, and shortly to,3.2.173
    2041     My operant powers {their} <my> functions leaue to do,3.2.174
    2042     And thou shalt liue in this faire world behind,3.2.175
    2043     Honord, belou'd, and haply one as kind,3.2.176
    2044     For husband shalt thou{.} <------>3.2.177
    2045      {Quee} <Bap>.. O confound the rest,3.2.177
    2046     Such loue must needes be treason in my brest,3.2.178

  7. [EH]
    2549     I doe repent; but heauen hath pleasd it so3.4.173
    2550     {I4v} To punish me with this, and this with me,3.4.174
    2551     That I must be their scourge and minister,3.4.175
    2552     I will bestowe him and will answere well3.4.176
    2553     The death I gaue him; so againe good night3.4.177
    2554     I must be cruell only to be kinde,3.4.178
    2555     {This} <Thus> bad beginnes, and worse remaines behind.3.4.179

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