Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "41"
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Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "41"

Enfolded Hamlet Page

The Tragedie of

Prince of Denmarke.


  1. [EH]
    38         He may approoue our eyes and speake to it. 1.1.29
    39          Hora. Tush, tush, twill not appeare.1.1.30
    40          Bar. Sit downe a while,1.1.30
    41         And let vs once againe assaile your eares,1.1.31
    42         That are so fortified against our story,1.1.32
    43         What we {haue two nights} <two Nights haue> seene.1.1.33
    44          Hora. Well, sit we downe,1.1.33

  2. [EH]
    50         The bell then beating one.1.1.39
    51                      {Enter Ghost.}1.1.40
    51-2      Mar. Peace, breake thee of, <Enter the Ghost.> | looke where it comes againe. 
    53          Bar. In the same figure like the King thats dead.1.1.41
    54          Mar. Thou art a scholler, speake to it Horatio.1.1.42
    55          Bar. Lookes {a} <it> not like the King? marke it Horatio.1.1.43
    56          Hora. Most like, it {horrowes} <harrowes> me with feare and wonder.1.1.44

  3. [EH]
    217       Of these {delated} <dilated> articles allowe:1.2.38
    218       Farwell, and let your hast commend your dutie.1.2.39
    219        {Cor.} Vo. In that, and all things will we showe our dutie.1.2.40
    220        King. We doubt it nothing, hartely farwell.1.2.41
    221       <Exit Voltemand and Cornelius.>..
    222       And now Laertes whats the newes with you?1.2.42
    223       <nn5v> You told vs of some sute, what ist Laertes? 1.2.43

  4. [EH]
    501       "Vertue it selfe scapes not calumnious strokes1.3.38
    502       "The canker gaules the infants of the spring1.3.39
    503       Too oft before {their} <the> buttons be disclos'd,1.3.40
    504       And in the morne and liquid dewe of youth1.3.41
    505       Contagious blastments are most iminent, 1.3.42
    506       Be wary then, best safety lies in feare,1.3.43
    507       Youth to it selfe rebels, though non els neare.1.3.44

  5. [EH]
    623        Hora. Looke my Lord it comes.1.4.38
    624        Ham. Angels and Ministers of grace defend vs:1.4.39
    625       Be thou a spirit of health, or goblin damn'd, 1.4.40
    626       Bring with thee ayres from heauen, or blasts from hell,1.4.41
    627       Be thy {intents} <euents> wicked, or charitable,1.4.42
    628       Thou com'st in such a questionable shape,1.4.43
    629       That I will speake to thee, Ile call thee Hamlet,1.4.44

  6. [EH]
    725       Ranckely abusde: but knowe thou noble Youth, 1.5.38
    726       The Serpent that did sting thy fathers life1.5.39
    727       Now weares his Crowne.1.5.40
    728        Ham. O my propheticke soule! {my} <mine> Vncle?1.5.41
    729       {D3}  Ghost. I that incestuous, that adulterate beast,1.5.42
    730       With witchcraft of his wits, {with} <hath> trayterous gifts, 1.5.43
    731       O wicked wit, and giftes that haue the power1.5.44

  7. [EH]
    1062      Quee. {I} Amen. {Exeunt Ros. and Guyld.}2.2.39
    1063     Enter Polonius...
    1064      Pol. Th'embassadors from Norway my good Lord,2.2.40
    1065     Are ioyfully returnd.2.2.41
    1066      King. Thou still hast been the father of good newes.2.2.42
    1067      Pol. Haue I my Lord? {I} assure <you,> my good Liege2.2.43
    1068     I hold my dutie as I hold my soule,2.2.44

  8. [EH]
    1689     That your good beauties be the happy cause3.1.38
    1690     Of Hamlets wildnes, so shall I hope your vertues,3.1.39
    1691     Will bring him to his wonted way againe,3.1.40
    1692     To both your honours.3.1.41
    1693      Oph. Maddam, I wish it may.3.1.41
    1694      Pol. Ophelia walke you heere, gracious so please {you,} <ye>3.1.42
    1695     {G2} We will bestow our selues; reade on this booke,3.1.43

  9. [EH]
    1690     Of Hamlets wildnes, so shall I hope your vertues,3.1.39
    1691     Will bring him to his wonted way againe,3.1.40
    1692     To both your honours.3.1.41
    1693      Oph. Maddam, I wish it may.3.1.41
    1694      Pol. Ophelia walke you heere, gracious so please {you,} <ye>3.1.42
    1695     {G2} We will bestow our selues; reade on this booke,3.1.43
    1696     That show of such an exercise may cullour3.1.44

  10. [EH]
    2314     A brothers murther, pray can I not,3.3.38
    2315     Though inclination be as sharp as will,3.3.39
    2316     My stronger guilt defeats my strong entent,3.3.40
    2317     And like a man to double bussines bound,3.3.41
    2318     I stand in pause where I shall first beginne,3.3.42
    2319     And both neglect, what if this cursed hand3.3.43
    2320     Were thicker then it selfe with brothers blood,3.3.44

  11. [EH]
    2421      {Ger.} <Qu.> What haue I done, that thou dar'st wagge thy tongue3.4.39
    2422     In noise so rude against me?3.4.40
    2423      Ham. Such an act3.4.40
    2424     That blurres the grace and blush of modesty,3.4.41
    2425     Cals vertue hippocrit, takes of the Rose3.4.42
    2426     From the faire forhead of an innocent loue,3.4.43
    2427     And {sets} <makes> a blister there, makes marriage vowes3.4.44

  12. [EH]
    2625     Into the Chappell; I pray you hast in this,                   <Exit Gent.>4.1.37
    2626     Come Gertrard, wee'le call vp our wisest friends,4.1.38
    2627     {And} <To> let them know both what we meane to doe4.1.39
    2628     And whats vntimely doone,4.1.41
    2628+1 {Whose whisper ore the worlds dyameter,}4.1.42
    2628+2 {As leuell as the Cannon to his blanck,}4.1.43
    2628+3 {Transports his poysned shot, may misse our Name,}4.1.44

  13. [EH]
    2699      King. Goe seeke him there.4.3.38
    2700      Ham. {A} <He> will stay till {you} <ye> come.4.3.39
    2701      King. Hamlet this deede <of thine,> for thine especiall safety4.3.40
    2702     Which we do tender, as we deerely grieue4.3.41
    2703     For that which thou hast done, must send thee hence.4.3.42
    2704     <With fierie Quicknesse.> Therefore prepare thy selfe,4.3.43
    2705     The Barck is ready, and the wind at helpe,4.3.44

  14. [EH]
    2743+31 {Looking before and after, gaue vs not}4.4.38
    2743+32 {That capabilitie and god-like reason}4.4.39
    2743+33 {To fust in vs vnvsd, now whether it be}4.4.40
    2743+34 {Bestiall obliuion, or some crauen scruple}4.4.41
    2743+35 {Of thinking too precisely on th'euent,}4.4.42
    2743+36 {A thought which quarterd hath but one part wisedom,}4.4.43
    2743+37 {And euer three parts coward, I doe not know}4.4.44

  15. [EH]
    2743+38 {Why yet I liue to say this thing's to doe,}4.4.45
    2743+39 {Sith I haue cause, and will, and strength, and meanes}4.4.46
    2743+40 {To doo't; examples grosse as earth exhort me,}4.4.47
    2743+41 {Witnes this Army of such masse and charge,}4.4.48
    2743+42 {Led by a delicate and tender Prince,}4.4.49
    2743+43 {Whose spirit with diuine ambition puft,}4.4.50
    2743+44 {Makes mouthes at the invisible euent,}4.4.51

  16. [EH]
    2780      Oph. Larded {all} with sweet flowers,4.5.38
    2781     Which beweept to the {ground} <graue> did not go {Song.}4.5.39
    2782     With true loue showers.4.5.40
    2783      King. How doe {you} <ye> pretty Lady?4.5.41
    2784-5  Oph. Well good dild you, they say the Owle was | a Bakers daugh- 
    2785-6 ter, Lord we know what we are, but | know not what we may be. 
    2786     God be at your table.4.5.44

  17. [EH]
    3540      Ham. An earnest coniuration from the King,5.2.38
    3541     As England was his faithfull tributary,5.2.39
    3542     As loue betweene them {like} <as> the palme {might} <should> florish,5.2.40
    3543     As peace should still her wheaten garland weare5.2.41
    3544     And stand a Comma tweene their amities,5.2.42
    3545     And many such like, {as sir} <Assis> of great charge,5.2.43
    3546     That on the view, and {knowing} <know> of these contents,5.2.44