Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "3382-3"
Q2 Enfolded F1 Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "3382-3"
The Tragedie of
H A M L E TPrince of Denmarke.
3379-80 now to mocke your owne {grinning,} | <Ieering?> quite chopfalne. Now get you 3380-2 to my Ladies {table} | <Chamber>, & tell her, let her paint an inch thicke, to this | fa- 3382 uour she must come, make her laugh at that. 5.1.195 3382-3 {Prethee} <pry-| thee> Horatio tell me one thing. 3384 Hora. What's that my Lord? 5.1.196 3385-6 Ham. Doost thou thinke Alexander lookt a this {fashion} <fa-| shion> i'th earth? 3387 Hora. Een so. 5.1.199