Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "271"
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Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "271"

Enfolded Hamlet Page

The Tragedie of

Prince of Denmarke.


  1. [EH]
    267       These but the trappings and the suites of woe.1.2.86
    268-9    King. Tis sweete and commendable | in your nature Hamlet,1.2.87
    270       To giue these mourning duties to your father1.2.88
    271       But you must knowe your father lost a father,1.2.89
    272       That father lost, lost his, and the suruiuer bound1.2.90
    273       In filliall obligation for some tearme1.2.91
    274       To doe obsequious sorrowe, but to perseuer1.2.92

  2. [EH]
    1315     <rest of my seruants: for to speake to you like an honest>2.2.268
    1316     <man: I am most dreadfully attended;>2.2.269
    1316-7 But in the beaten | way of friendship, what make you at Elsonoure? 
    1318      Ros. To visit you my Lord, no other occasion.2.2.271
    1319-20  Ham. Begger that I am, I am {euer} <euen> poore in thankes, | but I thanke 
    1320-1 you, and sure deare friends, my thankes | are too deare a halfpeny: 
    1321-2 were you not sent for? | is it your owne inclining? is it a free visitati- 

  3. [EH]
    2140      King. Giue me some light, away.3.2.269
    2141      {Pol.} <All.> Lights, lights, lights.            Exeunt {all but Ham. & Horatio.}3.2.270
    2142     <Manet Hamlet & Horatio.>..
    2143      Ham. Why let the strooken Deere goe weepe,3.2.271
    2144     The Hart vngauled play,3.2.272
    2145     For some must watch while some must sleepe,3.2.273
    2146-7 {Thus} <So> runnes the world away. | Would not this sir & a forrest of fea- 

  4. [EH]
    3465      Quee. O my sonne, what theame?5.1.268
    3466      Ham. I loued Ophelia, forty thousand brothers5.1.269
    3467     Could not with all theyr quantitie of loue5.1.270
    3468     Make vp my summe. What wilt thou doo for her.5.1.271
    3469      King. O he is mad Laertes.5.1.272
    3470      Quee. For loue of God forbeare him.5.1.273
    3471      Ham. {S'wounds} <Come> shew me what {th'owt} <thou'lt> doe:5.1.274

  5. [EH]
    3728     If Hamlet giue the first or second hit,5.2.268
    3729     Or quit in answere of the third exchange,5.2.269
    3730     Let all the battlements their {ordnance} <Ordinance> fire.5.2.270
    3731     The King shall drinke to Hamlets better breath,5.2.271
    3732     And in the cup an {Onixe} <vnion> shall he throwe,5.2.272
    3733     Richer then that which foure successiue Kings5.2.273
    3734-5 In Denmarkes Crowne haue worne: | giue me the cups,