Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "258"
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Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "258"

Enfolded Hamlet Page

The Tragedie of

Prince of Denmarke.


  1. [EH]
    255        Quee. If it be1.2.74
    256       VVhy seemes it so perticuler with thee.1.2.75
    257        Ham. Seemes Maddam, nay it is, I know not seemes,1.2.76
    258       Tis not alone my incky cloake {coold} <good> mother1.2.77
    259       Nor customary suites of solembe blacke1.2.78
    260       Nor windie suspiration of forst breath1.2.79
    261       No, nor the fruitfull riuer in the eye,1.2.80

  2. [EH]
    1301     <count my selfe a King of infinite space; were it not that>2.2.255
    1302     <I haue bad dreames.>2.2.256
    1303     < Guil. Which dreames indeed are Ambition: for the>2.2.257
    1304     <very substance of the Ambitious, is meerely the shadow>2.2.258
    1305     <of a Dreame.>2.2.259
    1306     < Ham. A dreame it selfe is but a shadow.>2.2.260
    1307     < Rosin. Truely, and I hold Ambition of so ayry and>2.2.261

  3. [EH]
    2124-5  Luc. Thoughts black, hands apt, | drugges fit, and time agreeing, 
    2126     {Considerat} <Confederate> season els no creature seeing,3.2.256
    2127     Thou mixture ranck, of midnight weedes collected,3.2.257
    2128     VVith Hecats ban thrice blasted, thrice {inuected} <infected>,3.2.258
    2129     Thy naturall magicke, and dire property,3.2.259
    2130     On wholsome life {vsurps} <vsurpe> immediatly.3.2.260
    2131     <Powres the poyson in his eares.>..

  4. [EH]
    3450     Beares such an emphesis, whose phrase of sorrow5.1.255
    3451     {Coniures} <Coniure> the wandring starres, and makes them stand5.1.256
    3452     Like wonder wounded hearers: this is I5.1.257
    3453     Hamlet the Dane.5.1.258
    3454      Laer. The deuill take thy soule.5.1.259
    3455-6  Ham. Thou pray'st not well, | I {prethee} <prythee> take thy fingers 
    3457     {For} <Sir> though I am not spleenatiue <and> rash, (from my throat,5.1.261

  5. [EH]
    3711     Your skill shall like a starre i'th darkest night5.2.256
    3712     Stick fiery of indeed.5.2.257
    3713      Laer. You mocke me sir.5.2.257
    3714      Ham. No by this hand.5.2.258
    3715-6  King. Giue them the foiles young Ostricke, | cosin Hamlet, 
    3716     You knowe the wager.5.2.260
    3717      Ham. Very well my Lord.5.2.260