Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "201"
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Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "201"

Enfolded Hamlet Page

The Tragedie of

Prince of Denmarke.


  1. [EH]
    198       Our state to be disioynt, and out of frame1.2.20
    199       Coleagued with {this} <the> dreame of his aduantage1.2.21
    200       He hath not faild to pestur vs with message1.2.22
    201       {B4} Importing the surrender of those lands1.2.23
    202       Lost by his father, with all {bands} <Bonds> of lawe1.2.24
    203       To our most valiant brother, so much for him:1.2.25
    204       <Enter Voltemand and Cornelius.>1.2.

  2. [EH]
    389       In the dead wast and middle of the night1.2.198
    390       Beene thus incountred, a figure like your father 1.2.199
    391       Armed at {poynt,} <all points> exactly Capapea1.2.200
    392       Appeares before them, and with solemne march,1.2.201
    393       Goes slowe and {stately by them; thrice} <stately: by them thrice> he walkt1.2.202
    394       By their opprest and feare surprised eyes1.2.203
    395       Within his tronchions length, whil'st they {distil'd} <bestil'd> 1.2.204

  3. [EH]
    2066     Where ioy most reuels, griefe doth most lament,3.2.198
    2067     Greefe {ioy} <ioyes>, ioy griefes, on slender accedent,3.2.199
    2068     This world is not for aye, nor tis not strange,3.2.200
    2069     That euen our loues should with our fortunes change:3.2.201
    2070     For tis a question left vs yet to proue,3.2.202
    2071     Whether loue lead fortune, or els fortune loue.3.2.203
    2072     The great man downe, you marke his {fauourite} <fauourites> flyes,3.2.204

  4. [EH]
    2574     And breath of life, I haue no life to breath3.4.198
    2575     What thou hast sayd to me.3.4.199
    2576      Ham. I must to England, you knowe that.3.4.200
    2577      {Ger.} <Qu.> Alack I had forgot.3.4.201
    2577     Tis so concluded on.3.4.201
    2577+1 { Ham. Ther's letters seald, and my two Schoolefellowes,}3.4.203
    2577+2 {Whom I will trust as I will Adders fang'd,}3.4.204

  5. [EH]
    2575     What thou hast sayd to me.3.4.199
    2576      Ham. I must to England, you knowe that.3.4.200
    2577      {Ger.} <Qu.> Alack I had forgot.3.4.201
    2577     Tis so concluded on.3.4.201
    2577+1 { Ham. Ther's letters seald, and my two Schoolefellowes,}3.4.203
    2577+2 {Whom I will trust as I will Adders fang'd,}3.4.204
    2577+3 {They beare the mandat, they must sweep my way}3.4.205

  6. [EH]
    2946     <All> Flaxen was his pole,4.5.196
    2947     He is gone, he is gone, and we cast away mone,4.5.198
    2948-9 {God a mercy} <Gramercy> on his soule, | and of all {Christians} <Christian> soules, <I pray God.> 
    2950     God buy {you} <ye>. <Exeunt Ophelia>4.5.201
    2951      Laer. Doe you <see> this {ô God.} <you Gods?>4.5.202
    2952      King. Laertes, I must {commune} <common> with your griefe,4.5.203
    2953     Or you deny me right, goe but apart,4.5.204

  7. [EH]
    3385-6  Ham. Doost thou thinke Alexander lookt a this {fashion} <fa-| shion> i'th earth? 
    3387      Hora. Een so.5.1.199
    3388      Ham. And smelt so pah.5.1.200
    3389      Hora. Een so my Lord.5.1.201
    3390-1  Ham. To what base vses wee may returne Horatio? | Why may not 
    3391-2 imagination trace the noble dust of {Alexander} <A-| lexander>, till {a} <he> find it stopping 
    3392     a bunghole?5.1.204

  8. [EH]
    3657+3 {Ostricke, who brings backe to him that you attend him in the hall,}5.2.197
    3657+4 {he sends to know if your pleasure hold to play with Laertes, or that}5.2.198
    3657+5 {you will take longer time?}5.2.199
    3657+6  {Ham. I am constant to my purposes, they followe the Kings plea-}5.2.201
    3657+7 {sure, if his fitnes speakes, mine is ready: now or whensoeuer, pro-}5.2.202
    3657+8 {uided I be so able as now.}5.2.202
    3657+9 {N3v}  {Lord. The King, and Queene, and all are comming downe.}5.2.204