Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "186"
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Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "186"

Enfolded Hamlet Page

The Tragedie of

Prince of Denmarke.


  1. [EH]
    183       Yet so farre hath discretion fought with nature,1.2.5
    184       That we with wisest sorrowe thinke on him1.2.6
    185       Together with remembrance of our selues:1.2.7
    186       Therefore our {sometime} <sometimes> Sister, now our Queene1.2.8
    187       Th'imperiall ioyntresse {to} <of> this warlike state1.2.9
    188       Haue we as twere with a defeated ioy1.2.10
    189       With {an} <one> auspitious, and {a} <one> dropping eye,1.2.11

  2. [EH]
    372       My father, me thinkes I see my father.1.2.184
    373        Hora. <Oh> Where my Lord?1.2.185
    374        Ham. In my mindes eye Horatio.1.2.185
    375        Hora. I saw him once, {a} <he> was a goodly King.1.2.186
    376        Ham. {A} <He> was a man take him for all in all1.2.187
    377       I shall not looke vppon his like againe.1.2.188
    378        Hora. My Lord I thinke I saw him yesternight.1.2.189

  3. [EH]
    880       Withall my loue I doe commend me to you, 1.5.183
    881       {El} And what so poore a man as Hamlet is,1.5.184
    882       May doe t'expresse his loue and frending to you1.5.185
    883       God willing shall not lack, let vs goe in together,1.5.186
    884       And still your fingers on your lips I pray,1.5.187
    885       The time is out of ioynt, ô cursed spight 1.5.188
    886       That euer I was borne to set it right.1.5.189

  4. [EH]
    1840     To show his {griefe,} <Greefes:> let her be round with him,3.1.183
    1841     And Ile be plac'd (so please you) in the eare3.1.184
    1842     Of all their conference, if she find him not,3.1.185
    1843     To England send him: or confine him where3.1.186
    1844     Your wisedome best shall thinke.3.1.187
    1845      King. It shall be so,3.1.187
    1846-7 Madnes in great ones must not {vnmatcht} <vnwatch'd> goe.        | Exeunt. 

  5. [EH]
    2051     Are base respects of thrift, but none of loue,3.2.183
    2052     A second time I kill my husband dead,3.2.184
    2053     When second husband kisses me in bed.3.2.185
    2054      King. I doe belieue {you thinke} <you. Think> what now you speake,3.2.186
    2055     But what we doe determine, oft we breake,3.2.187
    2056     Purpose is but the slaue to memorie,3.2.188
    2057     Of violent birth, but poore validitie,3.2.189

  6. [EH]
    2559     Pinch wanton on your cheeke, call you his Mouse,3.4.183
    2560     And let him for a paire of reechie kisses,3.4.184
    2561     <pp2v> Or padling in your necke with his damn'd fingers.3.4.
    2562     Make you to {rouell} <rauell> all this matter out3.4.186
    2563     That I essentially am not in madnesse,3.4.187
    2564     But {mad} <made> in craft, t'were good you let him knowe,3.4.188
    2565     For who that's but a Queene, faire, sober, wise,3.4.189

  7. [EH]
    2933-4 you, & heere's some for me, we may call it {herbe of Grace} | <Herbe-Grace> a Sondaies, 
    2934-5 <Oh> you {may} <must> weare your Rewe | with a difference, there's a Dasie, I would 
    2935-7 giue you | some Violets, but they witherd all when my Father {dyed,} <dy-| ed:> 
    2937     they say {a} <he> made a good end.4.5.186
    2938     For bonny sweet Robin is all my ioy.4.5.187
    2939      Laer. Thought and {afflictions} <Affliction>, passion, hell it selfe4.5.188
    2940     She turnes to fauour and to prettines.4.5.189